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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
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Status: Alive
Guild: Ranger
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Location: Aesry (Ranik Map 98b)
Type: Guild Leader
Associates: Paglar, Tolle, Kalika, Tomma, Roopardua

Ranger Guildleader on Aesry. Moves his residence from time to time (he was originally on M'Riss).


You see Guildleader Marion Anril, a Human Ranger.
He has blue eyes. He has thinning golden hair and tanned skin.
He is elderly for a Human.
He has some light stubble on his face.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a black shearling cloak, some long black robes and a silver ring bearing the crest of the Ranger Guild.

Conversation Topics

Joining the Guild

Marion stares at you with a grave expression, "A Ranger's life is hard. We measure ourselves by our own standards. What we are, what we are about, and what we can be is neither understood or measurable by the other guilds."

"If you're looking for an easy path," he continues, "the Ranger's Guild is not for you. If you want the easy way out, through magic, you should look elsewhere. But if you pride yourself by your own accomplishments, if you want to walk among the elite, reality is more important than illusion, then you have found a possible home and would be welcome here."

Marion sizes you up before continuing, "Make no mistake, and be warned, there are many easier paths in Elanthia other than that of the Ranger."

Circling to 100

Marion says, "You've proven your expertise at the ways of being a Ranger. A true champion of Nature you have become. Keep training and you can become an even greater forest warrior. Keep in mind your training and be wary of adversaries."

He grins at you and says, "Congratulations. Now, get back to hunting."

"Oh, very well." Sighing slightly, he continues, "If you enjoy playing with sticks and limbs, you might be interested in asking Tolle about hunter's bows. He may enjoy the softer side of life a bit too much, but he knows much about carving better bows. I always preferred the cold steel of a throwing knife myself."

He shrugs, pulling a thin blade out of nowhere, twirling it around before sliding it up his sleeve and turning away.