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Jegu Kai'avren

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Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate as it is a chronicling of data on player-owned locations. Because this is census data concerning player-owned establishments, housing or locations, the data on this page may be out of date or may be have been edited for privacy. These pages should not include any player information on non-publicly accessible locations or information considered game-secrets.

Jegu Kai'avren
Location: Steelclaw Clan, Ilithi (RanikMap66a)
Class / Type: Middle / Urban
Restrictions: Barbarian
Justice: city
Form: Free
Homes (Free): 9 (1)
Last Checked: 18 Aug 2024

Jegu Kai'avren.gif

Location Category Restrictions Owner Appearance
Jegu Kai'avren - 1 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Kylrie cozy red-roofed cottage with some soggy clothes hanging on a braided line in the front yard
Jegu Kai'avren - 2 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Jalich clean pine-shingled cottage
Jegu Kai'avren - 3 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Talvor sturdy oak-trimmed home
Jegu Kai'avren - 4 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Caidie white-washed cottage
Jegu Kai'avren - 5 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Arageka sturdy stone block abode with some soggy clothes hanging on a braided line in the front yard
Jegu Kai'avren - 6 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian unclaimed cozy oak frame home
Jegu Kai'avren - 7 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Golameth ivy-covered blue onyx hall within a wasteland of stone and ash
Jegu Kai'avren - 8 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Foxian black sandstone cottage
Jegu Kai'avren - 9 Middle Class, Urban Barbarian Lunamay rustic pine cottage

Area Ammenities