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Item:Lustrous silver tiara bejeweled with dazzling rubies

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

lustrous silver tiara bejeweled with dazzling rubies
Look: Metal waves initiate at the ends and gracefully stream toward a large hollow oval. Each crest brims with sparkling red stones, designed to match the prized jewel dangling inside the central shape.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 46,875 Kronars37,500 Lirums <br />33,825 Dokoras <br />46.875 LTBpoints <br />46.875 Tickets <br />46.875 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Top Notch (2), Top Notch (1)
  • STUDY: After studying the tiara, you think you can wave it at someone to inscribe it with his or her name, push it to inscribe it with today's date, or point it at someone to inscribe it with his or her name and today's date. The material seems suitable for only a single inscription, and you'd probably need a dagger or knife in your other hand with which to do the inscribing.
Upon further thought, you believe it is possible to applaud, beckon, bow, cheer, clap, clean, curtsy, dance, hug, kiss, raise and touch the trophy to interact with it.
  • APPLAUD: Clutching your silver tiara with one hand, you slap your thigh slowly a few times with the other hand, gradually increasing the speed in an attempt to initiate a round of applause.
Clutching her silver tiara with one hand, <Person> slaps her thigh slowly a few times with her other hand, gradually increasing the speed in an attempt to initiate a round of applause.
  • BECKON: You remove your silver tiara and dust yourself off. You then crook your finger and invite anyone in sight to come take a glimpse at your prize before putting it back on.
<Person> removes her silver tiara and dusts herself off. She then crooks her finger and motions to you in an attempt to show off her prize. Once she is finished, <Person> settles the tiara back into place where she was wearing it before the boastful display.
  • BOW: You carefully readjust your silver tiara to ensure it is prominently displayed before stretching one arm out to the side and pulling the other close to your chest. You take a bow, feeling extremely confident in your accomplishments.
<Person> carefully readjusts her silver tiara to ensure it is prominently displayed before stretching one arm out to the side and pulling the other to her chest. She performs a dramatic bow and rises with a huge grin, beaming with pride.
  • CHEER: You prod your silver tiara repeatedly, hoping that everyone understands your excitement! If they don't, you're sure that your enthusiastic follow-up cheer will alert them.
<Person> prods her silver tiara violently with a goofy expression on her face. As if you couldn't already tell she was excited, she emits an ear-splitting cheer to hammer it home.
  • CLAP: Clutching your silver tiara with one hand, you slap your thigh slowly a few times with the other hand, gradually increasing the speed in an attempt to initiate a round of applause.
Clutching her silver tiara with one hand, <Person> slaps her thigh slowly a few times with her other hand, gradually increasing the speed in an attempt to initiate a round of applause.
  • CLEAN: Reluctantly, you remove your silver tiara. You breathe upon your prized possession, fogging the exterior and rubbing it all over your torso to clean your prize as best as you possibly can. After you finish, you pause to admire your job well done before wearing the tiara once again.
<Person> hesitates noticeably before removing her silver tiara. The reluctance is soon gone as she proceeds to fog its surface with her breath and rub the prize all over her torso. Once she is satisfied that the tiara is clean enough, she wears it once again with a look of contentment.
  • CURTSY: You carefully readjust your silver tiara to ensure it is prominently displayed before fluttering your hands expressively and performing an appropriately respectful curtsy. You nod your head knowingly as you rise to acknowledge your accomplishments.
<Person> carefully readjusts her silver tiara to ensure it is prominently displayed before fluttering her hands wildly and performing an overly ostentatious curtsy. She nods her head as she rises, obviously pleased with herself and her accomplishments.
  • DANCE: You make sure your silver tiara is in plain sight as you twirl around. You let loose a little bit and whistle to match the movement of your feet.
<Person> purposely emphasizes the placement of her silver tiara as she twirls around. She tosses in a few fancy foot movements while providing her own accompaniment by whistling a string of loud notes.
  • HUG: You caress your silver tiara and curl your arms around your body, giving yourself a huge hug. You also pretend to cry a little bit just so the onlookers know how special this moment is.
<Person> caresses her silver tiara somewhat creepily, as if it were a living pet. She then curls her arms her body to give herself a huge hug. Just when you think the performance can't get any more melodramatic, <Person> wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and sniffles softly.
  • KISS: You tilt your silver tiara at an angle so it catches the light and blow kisses to the world in front of you. Mwah!
<Person> tilts her silver tiara at an angle so it catches the light and haughtily blows several kisses, looking rather daft.
  • RAISE: Pointing at your silver tiara with one hand, you make a fist with the other -- leaving only your index finger straight -- and shout, "I'm number one!"
Pointing at her silver tiara with one hand, <Person> makes a fist with her other -- leaving only her index straight -- and shouts, "I'm number one!"