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Item:Austere scalene gamantang with a high collar

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austere scalene gamantang with a high collar
Look: Cut in a traditional Musparan style, the coat features broad sleeves and a narrow waist designed to accentuate the wearer's physique. The fabric's subtle ridged texture resembles the great dunes of Velaka, seeming to ripple like a mirage when stirred. Cobra-shaped tel'athi toggles serve as oases of color amidst the sand-hued scalene.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 1,578,125 Kronars1,262,500 Lirums <br />1,138,775 Dokoras <br />1,578.125 LTBpoints <br />1,578.125 Tickets <br />1,578.125 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
Dimensions: 15 length x 8 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Hashal's Haven


  • STUDY: You inspect the gamantang carefully and determine that you could wear, turn, spin, wave, lean, tilt, dip, kick, push, raise and dance with it.
  • WEAR: You slip into your silk gamantang gracefully, enjoying the soothing sensation of the material sliding over your scales.
Player gracefully slips into her silk gamantang and takes a moment to adjust the fit to her satisfaction.
  • DANCE: You dance about with your silk gamantang, holding the material out to your sides and throwing your head back with eyes closed. The slowly undulating movements resemble a serpent preparing to strike.
Player dances about with her silk gamantang, holding the material out to her sides and throwing her head back with eyes closed. The slowly undulating movements resemble a serpent preparing to strike.
  • DIP: You stretch your arms out to your sides and quickly drop down into a crouching position, causing your silk gamantang to billow outward briefly. Hunching your shoulders and lowering your head, you take one step forward while remaining low and then fluidly rise up again.
Player stretches her arms out to her sides and quickly drops down into a crouching position, causing her scalene gamantang to billow outward briefly. Hunching her shoulders and lowering her head, she take one step forward while remaining low and then fluidly rises up again.
  • KICK: You snap one leg outward in a sharp kick, then bring the knee up and hold it aloft with your toes pointed at the ground. Balancing on your other foot, you hold your hands up with palms facing ahead and roll your upper body forward, backward and forward again. As your weight shifts for the last time your foot stamps back down.
Player snaps one leg outward in a sharp kick, then brings the knee up and holds it aloft with her toes pointed at the ground. Balancing on her other foot, she holds her hands up with palms facing ahead and rolls her upper body forward, backward and forward again. As her weight shifts for the last time her foot stamps back down.
  • LEAN: You hold one foot out before yourself, pointing the toe downward and gingerly placing it on the ground. Slowly and rhythmically you weave your body in small circles, causing your scalene gamantang to sway steadily from side to side.
Player holds one foot out before herself, pointing her toe downward and gingerly placing it on the ground. Slowly and rhythmically she weaves her body in small circles, causing her scalene gamantang to sway steadily from side to side.
  • PUSH: You drop down into a kneeling position with your toes curled forward and arms held out to your sides. Bringing your hands in to your chest you spin about on one knee and then the next, traveling in a wide arc and causing your scalene gamantang to whorl about behind you.
Player drops down into a kneeling position with her toes curled forward and arms held out to her sides. Bringing her hands in to her chest, she spins about on one knee and then the next, traveling in a wide arc and causing her scalene gamantang to whorl about behind her.
  • RAISE: You leap to your feet, throwing your hands upward and clapping twice over your head! Standing tall you proceed to stamp your feet against the ground, causing your scalene gamantang to bounce up and down with a staccato rhythm.
Player leaps to her feet, throwing her hands upward and clapping twice over her head! Standing tall she proceeds to stamp her feet against the ground, causing her scalene gamantang to bounce up and down with a staccato rhythm.
  • SPIN: You bring your palms together in front of your body and point your elbows out to the side, then spin rapidly on the balls of your feet. Your scalene gamantang spirals out away from you at a gently sloping angle, softly drifting downward as you stop.
Player brings her palms together in front of her body and points her elbows out to the side, then spins rapidly on the balls of her feet. Her scalene gamantang spirals out away from her at a gently sloping angle, softly drifting downward as she stops.
  • TILT: You lean forward as if bowing deeply, and then pivot your waist to one side and rotate your upper body in a large circle over your hips. Your arms trail fluidly around the circuit, your scalene gamantang fluttering with the graceful motion.
Player leans forward as if bowing deeply, and then pivots her waist to one side and rotates her upper body in a large circle over her hips. Her arms trail fluidly around the circuit, her scalene gamantang fluttering with the graceful motion.
  • TURN: You twist at the waist and hold your arms out from your sides, rolling your shoulders in an arcing motion as you turn in a tight circle and unwind your body. The folds of your scalene gamantang cascade about you like cresting waves.
Player twists at the waist and holds her arms out from her sides, rolling her shoulders in an arcing motion as she turns in a tight circle and unwinds her body. The folds of her scalene gamantang cascade about her like cresting waves.
  • WAVE: You lift your arms above yourself and cross them at the wrists, lolling your head back and to the side languidly. Letting your weight shift forward, you begin to roll your torso to and fro while also swaying side to side in a serpentine fashion. Your scalene gamantang wrinkles and twists like a second skin as you continue the undulating dance.
Player lifts her arms above herself and crosses them at the wrists, lolling her head back and to the side languidly. Letting her weight shift forward, she begins to roll her torso to and fro while also swaying side to side in a serpentine fashion. Her scalene gamantang wrinkles and twists like a second skin as she continues the undulating dance.