Category:Elemental Invocations spellbook

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Elemental Efficacy: When casting spells from the Elemental Invocations spellbook a number of environmental conditions, available to view via PERCEIVE/CONCENTRATE ELEMENTS, will be checked to determine how favorable the conditions are to that particular element, which will in turn control how efficiently your mana is used. You can think of this as having somewhat different levels of room mana available to you depending on the spellbook you’re using, though the under the hood mechanics are rather different than that description. This does not currently apply to mana supplied from cambrinth or HARNESS.

The elemental ritual spells in this book are mutually exclusive in effect and will cause a stun when replacing a ritual of a different element. It is not possible to RELEASE or dispel the spell avoid the stun. The duration of the stun is dependent on the elements of the rituals as follows:

Will of Winter (Water) <-> Words of the Wind (Air) = 5 seconds
Will of Winter (Water) <-> Echoes of Aether (Aether) = 5 seconds
Words of the Wind (Air) <-> Echoes of Aether (Aether) = 20 seconds
Soul Ablaze (Fire) <-> Any Elemental Invocation ritual = 20 seconds

Pages in category "Elemental Invocations spellbook"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.