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Item:Darkstone mixing bowl bearing firestained images limned in sanguineous hues

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darkstone mixing bowl bearing firestained images limned in sanguineous hues
Look: Wrought from blackish metal into a broad vessel, this sizable bowl is suitable for even the most dangerous alchemical tasks. Silhouettes of many eight-legged creatures seem to skitter across both the exterior and interior, the smoky grey figures tinged with deep blood-red hues along the edges. Wispy tendrils of silver painted onto the near-black metal create dozens of fine webs to which the spidery shapes seem to cling.
Weight: 20 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 2,500,000 Kronars2,000,000 Lirums <br />1,804,000 Dokoras <br />2,500 LTBpoints <br />2,500 Tickets <br />2,500 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is a crafting tool.
  • This item is used in the alchemy crafting system.
Tool Properties: This item is a bowl with:
  • masterfully-crafted (12/12) quality
  • marginally vulnerable (8/18) durability
  • rather effective (7/11) speed
Sources: Source is Tildi's Blooms (3), Chitinous tomiek remedies case clasped with a negerat cluster