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Armor:Thick dragon bone sleeves set with Imperial sapphire claws

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Outdated Item
  • This item is outdated, which means that it has missed one of the last five appraisal changes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 - Updates to elemental protection/absorption for light armor).
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thick dragon bone sleeves set with Imperial sapphire claws
Look: Crackling with the appearance of electricity, the interior of each sleeve is generously padded with a layer of stormsilk. Shaped to pay homage to the mythical creature from which is was carved, the material is masterfully notched to resemble hundreds of individual scales. The wickedly pointed seven-rayed sapphires set at the end of each glove mimic a set of lethal, frozen claws. Cold to the touch, an elaborate silvery-white hiromin inlay wrought in the form of a dragon adorns each sleeve.
Type: Light Armor
Areas Covered: arms, hands
Hindrance: moderate (7/15) / insignificant (1/15) for stealth
Protection: very great (10/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
very great (10/15) protection and high (9/17) damage absorption for slice attacks.
very great (10/15) protection and good (7/17) damage absorption for impact attacks.
very good (6/15) protection and fair (5/17) damage absorption for fire attacks.
very good (6/15) protection and fair (5/17) damage absorption for cold attacks.
moderate (4/15) protection and low (3/17) damage absorption for electrical attacks.
Construction: extremely resistant (15/18)
Metal: No
Weight: 120 stones
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item is magical.
  • This item is enchanted through the enchanting crafting system.
Enchantment: moderate (7/10) potency
central (10/10) complexity
very precise (7/11) precision
Minor (1/4) grade
Bonus to proc chance
Flare: Living damage (frigid white hiromin dragon)
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Leathery sack composed of overlapping icy blue and black scales, Droughtman's Challenge 433/Raffle

You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Armor Living Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has moderate potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is very precise. This enchantment is of Minor grade, and was modified to bonus proc chance. The matrix appears to be somewhat thick and the lines are perfectly clear.