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Post:Armorsmithing and New Appraisal Ranges! - 07/16/2011 - 19:13
Armorsmithing and New Appraisal Ranges! · on 07/16/2011 07:13 PM CDT | 29 |
Hello everyone. In a few minutes armorsmithing will be going live in Prime, and to accompany it some additional appraisal ranges. These new ranges are similar to those with weapons, in that they offer enhanced granularity for identifying armor protection and hindrance. The ranges have been listed at the bottom of this post.
Some Important Stuff!!
Armor was a hecuva lot harder to balance than weapons, and the math behind the old system was a terrible sight to behold. To further complicate matters, the system was designed for Skills 3.0 where we no longer had LC/HC and LP/HP. In the new system you have a variety of shields, and 3 categories of armor you can forge: Chain - Mostly HC, though some pieces may be LC depending on their weight. It will take me a bit of time to figure out if I just want to leave it until S3.0 is out, or if I need to come up with creative logic for determining what type of chain armor each piece is. This category features Ring, Chain and Mail armors. Brigandine - Should all be LP for now. This armor has the types Scale, Brigandine and Lamellar armor. Plate - Should all be HP for now. This armor has the types light plate, plate and heavy plate armor. This is a point of confusion, since in 3.0 Light Plate will actually fall under Plate. But temporarily, light plate will be heavy plate. Clear as mud, eh?
Types are also consistent between all individual pieces. In old armor, chain greaves would vastly differ from a chain hauberk - and the sum of the pieces was often vastly different than a whole... in new armor you should get near identical hindrance and defenses from types of the same name (assuming they are of the same material). Lastly, fire and cold elemental defenses with medium carbon steel are going to be a bit lower than before. This is intended, and with rare metals you can get both physical and elemental stats higher than before. Good luck with the forging!
Unbelievable Insane | |
This message was originally posted in Lore \ GameMaster Announcements - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums. |