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Align command
Several different uses for Rangers, Moon Mages, Clerics, and Warrior Mages. |
Ranger ALIGN Moon Mage ALIGN <skillset/skill> ALIGN MOON <Yavash/Katamba/Xibar> ALIGN MOON Grazhir ALIGN MOON SEVER ALIGN SPLIT ALIGN TRANSMOGRIFY ALIGN MOONBLADE Cleric ALIGN <immortal> Warrior Mage ALIGN <elemental> Other Guilds |
- ALIGN <#>
- Used to align some spirit health with Beseeches.
Moon Mage
- ALIGN <skillset/skill> (CURSE)
- Aligns the mage to a skillset or individual skill for predicting upon. Defaults to attempting a positive prediction, but adding CURSE attempts a negative one.
- Causes all spells requiring a moon as a target to default to the aligned moon. For example, CAST behaves like CAST YAVASH/KATAMBA/XIBAR. Requires at least 20 ranks in astrology.
- Similar to aligning to the other moons but is only available to mages that have completed the 100th circle quest. Causes all Teleport and Moongate spells cast without a target to take the mage into the Astral Plane at the nearest Grazhir shard.
- Severs the mage's connection to the aligned moon. Required to align to a new moon.
- Allows the mage to use only a portion of a prediction pool on a following prediction.
- ALIGN TRANSMOGRIFY <skillset> to <skillset>
- Allows the mage to convert one prediction pool into another. Requires passing a very difficult (700 ranks) Astrology check.
- Attemps to contain a fully prepared spell in the moonblade. Requires Empower Moonblade.
- ALIGN <immortal>
- Provides a 15% bonus to two skills, and a 15% penalty to three others, depending on the immortal chosen. See align ability or Cleric 3.0 Alignment for more details.
Warrior Mage
- ALIGN (OPPOSITION) <element>
- Choose which element to align to (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Electricity or Aether). Either aligns you to or places you in opposition of an element. For more information, see align ability or Warrior Mage.
Game Helpfile
ALIGN helps Clerics, Moon Mages, Rangers and Warrior Mages to call upon their relevant extraplanar or godly powers. No other guilds currently have a use for the verb.