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Say command
This command is used to speak with other players. Depending on the punctuation at the end of your message, your character may "say", "ask", or "exclaim."
The first letter of what you SAY is automatically capitalized, and a full-stop is added if you enter no other end punctuation. The parser does not affect the capitalization or punctuation of internal sentence breaks. |
SAY }<person> /<emote> <message>
SAY @<person> /<emote> <message>
SAY can also be abbreviated with a ' , ` , or " in front of your message.
- SAY Hello!
- 'Hello!
You see: You exclaim, "Hello!" Room Sees: Solomon exclaims, "Hello!"
You can also use emotes to heighten the impact of your speech.
- SAY /happily Hello!
- ' /happily Hello!
You happily exclaim, "Hello!"
To direct your message to someone, use } in front of their name.
- SAY }Solomon Can I have 200 plats?
- ' }riel /happily Thank you for your help!
- SAY @Solomon Can I have 200 plats?
- ' @riel /happily Thank you for your help!
You ask Solomon, "Can I have 200 plats?" You happily exclaim to Riel, "Thank you for your help!"
This following 179 adverbs are valid SAY command emotes.
- absentmindedly
- acerbically
- acidly
- admiringly
- adoringly
- affectionately
- agreeably
- ambiguously
- ambivalently
- angrily
- animatedly
- anxiously
- apathetically
- apologetically
- appreciatively
- apprehensively
- ardently
- arrogantly
- articulately
- artlessly
- assertively
- attentively
- audaciously
- awkwardly
- bashfully
- begrudgingly
- beguilingly
- belligerently
- benignly
- bewilderedly
- bitterly
- bizarrely
- blandly
- bleakly
- blissfully
- blithely
- bluntly
- boastfully
- boisterously
- boldly
- boorishly
- brashly
- bravely
- brazenly
- brightly
- briskly
- brusquely
- brutally
- busily
- callously
- calmly
- candidly
- cantankerously
- carefully
- carelessly
- casually
- cattily
- cautiously
- ceremoniously
- charmingly
- cheekily
- cheerfully
- cheerlessly
- chivalrously
- circumspectly
- clearly
- clumsily
- coarsely
- coaxingly
- coldly
- compassionately
- concisely
- condescendingly
- confidently
- conscientiously
- considerately
- consolingly
- contemptuously
- contentedly
- contritely
- coolly
- cooperatively
- courageously
- courteously
- covetously
- coyly
- crassly
- credulously
- crisply
- critically
- crossly
- crudely
- cruelly
- cunningly
- curiously
- curtly
- cynically
- dangerously
- daringly
- darkly
- dauntlessly
- dazedly
- decently
- deceptively
- decisively
- deeply
- deferentially
- defiantly
- dejectedly
- deliberately
- delicately
- delightedly
- densely
- depressingly
- derisively
- desperately
- despondently
- deviously
- devotedly
- devoutly
- diffidently
- diplomatically
- directly
- disagreeably
- discerningly
- discreetly
- disdainfully
- disgustedly
- disingenuously
- dismally
- dispassionately
- disrespectfully
- distantly
- distractedly
- divisively
- docilely
- dolefully
- dopily
- dotingly
- doubtfully
- dramatically
- dreamily
- drowsily
- drunkenly
- dryly
- dully
- duplicitously
- dutifully
- eagerly
- earnestly
- ecstatically
- eerily
- eloquently
- emotionlessly
- emphatically
- endearingly
- energetically
- enigmatically
- enthusiastically
- enviously
- ethically
- euphorically
- evasively
- excitedly
- explicitly
- exultantly
- faintly
- fairly
- faithfully
- faithlessly
- falsely
- fatally
- fearfully
- fearlessly
- feebly
- ferociously
- fervently
- fiercely
- firmly
- flamboyantly
- flatly
- fluently
- fluidly
- fondly
- foolishly
- formally
- frankly
- frantically
- frenetically
- fretfully
- furiously
- futilely
- generously
- gently
- genuinely
- gingerly
- gleefully
- gloomily
- graciously
- gratefully
- gravely
- greedily
- grievously
- groggily
- gruesomely
- gruffly
- grumblingly
- grumpily
- guardedly
- gullibly
- haggardly
- haltingly
- happily
- harshly
- hastily
- hatefully
- haughtily
- hauntingly
- heartily
- heavily
- helplessly
- hesitantly
- hoarsely
- hollowly
- honestly
- hopefully
- hopelessly
- humbly
- humorously
- hungrily
- hurriedly
- hypocritically
- hysterically
- idiotically
- ignorantly
- imaginatively
- impartially
- impassively
- impatiently
- imperiously
- impertinently
- impiously
- impishly
- impudently
- impulsively
- incoherently
- inconsiderately
- incredulously
- indecisively
- indifferently
- indignantly
- inflexibly
- informally
- innocently
- inquiringly
- inquisitively
- insanely
- insincerely
- insinuatingly
- insolently
- inspiringly
- intelligently
- intensely
- intently
- irately
- ironically
- irreverently
- irritably
- jauntily
- jealously
- jokingly
- joshingly
- jovially
- joyfully
- joylessly
- jubilantly
- judgmentally
- judiciously
- justly
- kindheartedly
- kindly
- knavishly
- knowingly
- kookily
- lackadaisically
- laconically
- languidly
- laughingly
- lazily
- lethargically
- lightheartedly
- lightly
- limply
- lispingly
- loathingly
- loftily
- longingly
- loudly
- lovingly
- loyally
- ludicrously
- lyrically
- madly
- malevolently
- malignantly
- maniacally
- manically
- matter-of-factly
- mawkishly
- meaningfully
- mechanically
- meekly
- melodically
- melodiously
- mendaciously
- merrily
- methodically
- mildly
- mindfully
- mirthfully
- mischievously
- miserably
- mistakenly
- mockingly
- modestly
- morbidly
- moronically
- morosely
- mournfully
- mulishly
- mysteriously
- naively
- nasally
- naughtily
- nervously
- neurotically
- noisily
- numbly
- obediently
- obligingly
- obnoxiously
- observantly
- obstinately
- obstreperously
- obtusely
- oddly
- offensively
- ominously
- openly
- operatically
- optimistically
- outrageously
- over-joyously
- overconfidently
- painfully
- passionately
- patiently
- patronizingly
- peevishly
- penitently
- pessimistically
- phonily
- piously
- pithily
- pitifully
- pityingly
- placidly
- playfully
- pleasantly
- poetically
- pointedly
- politely
- pompously
- ponderously
- positively
- powerfully
- prayerfully
- precisely
- pretentiously
- primly
- profoundly
- proudly
- pugnaciously
- quarrelsomely
- quaveringly
- queasily
- querulously
- questioningly
- quickly
- quietly
- quizzically
- rancidly
- rancorously
- rapaciously
- rapidly
- rapturously
- rashly
- raucously
- ravenously
- reassuringly
- recklessly
- regretfully
- reluctantly
- remorsefully
- reproachfully
- resentfully
- resignedly
- resonantly
- respectfully
- restlessly
- reverentially
- reverently
- rhetorically
- rhythmically
- righteously
- rightly
- rigidly
- roughly
- rudely
- ruefully
- ruthlessly
- sadly
- saltily
- sanctimoniously
- sarcastically
- sardonically
- sassily
- savagely
- savvily
- scornfully
- searchingly
- sedately
- sensibly
- serenely
- seriously
- severely
- shakily
- shamefully
- sharply
- sheepishly
- shrewdly
- shriekingly
- shrilly
- shyly
- sibilantly
- simperingly
- simply
- sincerely
- skeptically
- sleepily
- slickly
- slothfully
- slowly
- slyly
- smartly
- smoothly
- smugly
- snarkily
- snidely
- soberly
- softly
- solemnly
- solicitously
- somberly
- sonorously
- soothingly
- sorrowfully
- spasmodically
- spitefully
- spontaneously
- squeakily
- sternly
- stiffly
- stoically
- stormily
- strangely
- strictly
- strongly
- stubbornly
- stupidly
- stutteringly
- suavely
- subconsciously
- succinctly
- suspiciously
- sweetly
- sympathetically
- tactfully
- tactlessly
- tearfully
- teasingly
- tempestuously
- tenderly
- tensely
- tepidly
- tersely
- thankfully
- thanklessly
- theatrically
- thoughtfully
- thoughtlessly
- threateningly
- timidly
- timorously
- tiredly
- tonelessly
- tranquilly
- tremulously
- triumphantly
- truthfully
- tumultuously
- unabashedly
- unambiguously
- unappreciatively
- unceremoniously
- uncomfortably
- unconvincingly
- uncooperatively
- uncouthly
- undiscerningly
- uneasily
- unemotionally
- unethically
- unflinchingly
- ungratefully
- unhappily
- unimaginatively
- uninterestedly
- unnaturally
- untruthfully
- upliftingly
- urgently
- uselessly
- vacantly
- vaguely
- vainly
- valiantly
- valorously
- vehemently
- vengefully
- venomously
- viciously
- victoriously
- vindictively
- virtuously
- vivaciously
- voraciously
- warily
- warmly
- warningly
- weakly
- wearily
- weirdly
- wheezily
- whiningly
- wickedly
- wildly
- willfully
- wisely
- wistfully
- witheringly
- wittily
- woefully
- woodenly
- worriedly
- worshipfully
- wryly
- yearningly
- yieldingly
- zanily
- zealously
- zestfully
NOTE: The forward slash / in front of the emote is required.
Stealth Interactions
Talking while in hiding or invisible will give stealth check against the entire area, granting the spot effect to anybody that spots you doing this. This is particularly difficult, since you are speaking out loud, which has a tendency to betray your hiding place. With success, you will remain anonymous, and near success will only betray your race and gender. Failure gives a name.
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