S'Kra Language

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Pieces here are from a larger Primer compiled by Leyhan. Sources are listed at bottom.

Hissing Speech

Hissing is commonly viewed in two ways. On the one hand, it is natural for S'Kra Mur to hiss when expressing intense emotion, such as anger, frustration, or excitement.

On the other hand, to habitually hiss one's speech is a mark of low birth. A S'Kra Mur who speaks with a habitual hiss is often viewed with disdain by others.

Beginners Notes

When a single word differs between the verb forms, an n is often part of the q'alri form, an l in the smolgan form, and an s in the ru'atin form. (ex: (I am) q'alrin: aena, smolgan: aela, ru'atin: aesa)
S'Kra in itself is very fond of compound words. A whole sentence or idea can be put into one long word, less intimidating when broken down.

The subject and verb are often combined into one compound word. Starts with the subject, followed by the conjugated verb. (ae for I, yi for he).
You can also combine a subject and pronoun to indicate ownership. (ae when used in a compound with a noun becomes my)

'hhs often used to denote belonging. Suffix to the word that is owned.

lakh is used to denote that something is missing.

The names for the tail gestures often have similar meanings to the emotions they express when used in speech. You can guess that some contentment or peace is involved when you hear em in a sentence. Anger is involved when you hear oloh.

What is said can vary greatly between in meaning depending on which form it is said in.

There is often completely different things one is expected to say to mean the same thing depending on who you are talking to. This is most obvious when speaking in the pohan form.


Pishra - little stop - Intake of breath or skip in verbiage
HH is the "uh" or "eh" sound in most other languages
ZH is negative, i.e. Smolg is tail, Smozh is tailless.
Papi - Delicately placed/sat/perched
Hhan - suffix to indicate a delayed occurence
Hhs - suffix used to indicate belonging
Tal - suffix to indicate the near future
Ku - prefix - With


Poho - Honored Lord/Lady
Smolgi - Friend
Pon'zh'sha S'kra - I don't know S'kra (language)
Smozh - Tailless (an insult) [Insignificant people; grave insult; true smozh treated as if they do not exist.]
Sarhhtha - S'kra dancing style
Isth'hhtaw'hhs S'Kra'Mur - In The Ways of the S'kra Mur
Ru'at - Circle of family, friends, and allies
Q'alrin - Those outside one's Ru'at
Q'alri - One outside a S'Kra's Ru'at
Ru'ati - One inside a S'Kra's Ru'at
S'kra Mur (spoken) - S'kra Mur
S'kra Mur (hissed) - S'Kra
S'kra Mur (written) - Eth'ral'khh
S'kra Mur (ceremonical) - Sharaanpon'u

Q'alrin: Nido'a
Smolgan: Otoh em
Ru'atin: Aehhrki paar ("My soul is complete.")
Pohan: Rath'agrkhhan aensmo'ku'par ("The gods bring us together.")

Q'alrin: Saagri
Smolgan: Ibu'rath'a
Ru'atin: Y'nerpar aensmo'ku'par ("We are always together.")
Pohan: Hav'roth sa'mahil'in. ("Hav'roth smile on you.")

Be well:
Q'alrin: Esuna tel'rath'a ("Go in happiness.")
Smolgan: Esula em ("Go in peace.")
Ru'atin: Esulaku aeama'hhrsk ("Go with my love.")
Pohan: Esusaku Peri'el ("Go with Peri'el.")

Zasul...? - Where is the...?
Sorsha'la ae'q'alrin? - Why do you q'alrin me?
Pon'zh'laar ru'at? - Am I not your ru'at?

What is your name?:
Q'alrin: Shana yvyn?
Smolgan: --- * The next two forms have no versions, for
Ru'atin: --- there was/is never a need to ask these things.
Pohan: Shasa'hhn kho?

How are you?:
Q'alrin: Kulna ese?
Smolgan: Kula ese?
Ru'atin: Kulsa ese?
Pohan: Tath'amahilin'hhn? ("Do the gods smile?")

Pon'zh'sha - I don't know...
Aeyvyn... - My name is...
Pon'zh'laar - Am I not...

I am...(status):
Q'alrin: Aena..
Smolgan: Aela..
Ru'atin: Aesa..
Pohan: Aesa'hhn..

Fine: Tel
So-so: Enhaar
Tired/Unhappy: Lanahh'lakh ("lacking life")
Happy: Rath'amahilin
Hungry: Pahami'lakh

I love you:
Exact meaning depends on usage:
Q'alrin: Kulna arna'hhs (lit: "You are like the boulder."; fig: "I rely on you.")
Smolgan: Shh'oisa smolgi ("[You have my] deepest friendship.")
Ru'atin: Aehhrkhi sa'hhs ("My heart is yours.")
Pohan: Khosa'hhn aepivo'hrr'shuzh ("My regard of you will never die.")

Phrases used in S'Kra Mur Weddings:
Aelanahh ka saarlanahh, aepivo'hhr ka saarpivo'hhr, hisakna'hhs Hav'roth isha re'halen.
-My life is yours, your death is mine, in Hav'roth's will for eternity.
Ru'at Shaman: Y'ner'hhs's'hhra ku oshu'hhs Hav'roth kho'smo'kku'sa, apodu'sa, hhrki'sa.
Smolgan Shaman: Y'ner'hhs's'hhra ku oshu'hhs Hav'roth kho'smo'kku'la apudo'la, hhrki'la.
-Let the future be as now with the strength of Hav'roth upholding you, entwining you, binding you

Proverbs: "Be like the aganylosh'a, and face both ways, that the wind may never blow you over a cliff." -old Rathan S'Kra Mur saying


Aanylosh'a trees: "Tree of Peace" A symbol of Tamsine
Ae: I
Ae'uraan'nido: I see
Aggahh'a: Dream
Aggahhpel: Dream Veil. Chain jewelry. Legend found here.
Ahar: Annoyed/Frustrated (Tail movement)
Ak: Some
Ama'hhrsk: Love
Ang: Cloth/Clothing/Coat
Ang'hhrantin: Master Clothweavers
Anlusarabu: fabled golden palace of the Sun
Ap'gi: (meaning unknown)
Apodu: Forge
Arna: Boulder
Ashu'a: Suckered toes of the La'heke
Athi: Grass/vine [?]
Botuk: Cave
Da: (meaning unknown)
Dako: Fight
D'epi: (meaning unknown)
Dikka: Bad/waste
Dikka'staho: Badlands
Dikka'staho'osson: Northern badlands
El: (meaning unknown)
Em: Peace/Contentment (Tail movement)
Gamant: House
Gamantang: House coat
Gamant'hhshhth: House of Dance [The first house of Sarhhtha]
Grah: (meaning unknown)
Grel: Sadness
Grkhh'a: Bringer
Hat: Delight
Havri'negh: Symbol for the four elements
Heggarangi'hhs Iltamigen: Devil's Prison
Heggarangi'n: Devil
Heitak: Beast
Heke: Water/Sea
Heke'mary: Ship/Boat
Hekemhhg: Water/Sea serpent
HH: Uh/Eh
Hhan: Delayed occurance SUFFIX
Hhan: Far
Hhr: (meaning unknown)
Hhr'ibu: light crossbow (no known meaning)
Hhrkhi: Heart
Hhrki: Soul
Hhrki'izh: Soulless
Hhr'lav'geluhh: (meaning unknown)
Hhrsk: Love
Hhr'tami: medium blunt weapon/heavy thrown; (no known meaning)
Hhs: Belonging/of/made of (SUFFIX IE: hirdu'hhs'Ushnish Ushnish's bird)
Hhshran: Swift
Hhth: Dance
Hhyssk'et: Bitter Fire (berry)
Hirdu: Bird
Hisakna: Will [EX: It is my will that you do this..]
Houmun: Human
Iltamigen: Prison
Indakar Grkhh'a: Thunder Bringer (Staff of Ushnish)
Indakar: Thunder
Inja: Muttering of Adan'f
Ira'tnah: Loss-of-face
Irhhnth: Scorpion
Isthu'rath'a: Lightning
Izzu'hhr Grkhh'a: Storm Bringer
Izzu'hhr: Storm
Juludan: Magic
Ka: Is
Kalri: Forever
Kapo: Song
Ka'tamas: Feather [?]
K'dira: name of fragrant bushes (S'kra Lore)
Khiynit: A specially woven fabric.: Khiynit Information
Kho: Honor/Respect/[Empasis (Tail movement)]
Khor'vela: ["The Mercy of Albreda" grey wood/spade-like leaves]
Khozh: No Honor
Khur: Breath
Khurmary: Breath's journey [five-stringed lap harp]
Kiel: Thoughtfullness
Kor: Stronghold/High/Tall
Kor'athi: Tall Grass [?]
Kra'hei: No translation, just a name
Ku: And
Kumu: (meaning unknown)
La: Lizard/Snake
Laar: You (Smolgan)
La'heke: Water Lizard
Lakh: Lacking/Loneliness/Lonely
Lanahh: Life
Lanahh'Mus: Rising Sun
Lanahh'zhra: Lifetaker/Killer/Assassin/Murderer (Elite S'Kra Assassins)
Lanahh'zhra'naarti: Lifetaker's Stone
Lasarahhtha: Bone Dancer
Lata: Blade
Latagi: Knight/Paladin
Latagi'hhrs Em: Peaceful Knight [Paladin Title]
La'tami: Flying/Winged Lizard [?]
Lav'hhashhgi: Elothean
Lohogi'hhs'ur: Children of The One
Lohogi'tel'tegreis: Child of the Nest
L'ot-jukun'ta'n: (meaning unknown)
Luss: Muttering of Adan'f
Mahil: (meaning unknown)
Malk Akom: (full meaning unknown)
Malk: Gold
Malk'smo: Gold Tail
Mary: Journey/Trip/Travel
Mehath: Wind
Mehath'Gamant: House of Wind/Wind House
Mhhg: Serpent/Snake
Mur: Pride
Mus: Sun
Naarti: Stone/Jewel/Child
Nadamian: (meaning unknown)
Neh: Long
Nehda: (meaning unknown)
Nehel: (meaning unknown)
Nehelyvhh: Long Wing; A type of fish
Nehgris: Spear
Nipoh: Cloud
Ograth: Hammer/Hand/Fist
Oloh: Anger (Tail movement)
Oshu: Spirit
Oson: North
Ospekk: East
Pa: Upon/Perched/Sat
Paguur: Monkey?
Paha: Eat
Pahami: Food
Pahami'lakh: Hungry (lacking food)
Pahamin: Food [pl]
Paht: Free
Papi: Delicately sat/perched/placed
Par: All
Par'i: Egg
Peh: Humble/Apology (Tail movement)
Peh'taph: Leg
Pel: Veil
Pel'arsharra: Literial: Veil of Night/Moon Roughly: Midnight [time]
Pel'hhsmur: Veil of Pride; Tail veil worn by S'Kra brides
Pi: Little/Small
Pi'botuk: Den
Pilonu: (Rasha'hhsograth/Flower of the Hand) Bracelet connected to rings by chains
Pishra: Little stop (Short intake of air)
Pivo'hrr'shu: Death
Pivo'hrr'shu'Mus: Setting/Dying Sun
Poho: Honored Lord/Lady
Poho'adu: Holy Man
Poho'Danath: Anointed Groundfather
Poho'hhsi Ur: Honored father
Pohokapo: Honored "Lady of Song"
Pokeke: Sand
Pokekehekepi: (Little) Sand Sea
Pokeke'pahamin: Sandwich [made from pokeke bread, meats, and fruits]
Poloh'izh: (meaning unknown)
Polo'i: (meaning unknown)
Pon: [I] Do
Pon'zh: [I] Don't
Por: Left/East
Por'nidrel: Jewelry worn over the left eye
Pran: Syllable
Py: Bronze
Q'alri (Q'arin [plural]): One outside the Ru'at
Qi: Soul
Q'zha: Bold
Q'zhalata: Knife of Bold Deeds
Rasha: Flower
Rasha'hhsograth: Flower of the Hand
Rath'a saar: Thank you
Rath'amahilin: Happy
Ru'ati (Ru'at is entire): One inside the Ru'at
Sa: You (Q'alrin)
Saar: Yours [Used w/out conjuntion with what is theirs EX: saarlanahh (Your life/Yours)
Saar'ati Dzree tanu saar'hhs oloh: Feel the rath of Dzree
Saran'pon: Voice
Saran'pon'hhs Peri'el: (Steel Flute) "Goddess Voice"
Sarhhtha: Ritual dancing
Sarkhhl Smo'neh: Hero-King of Ratha, called Longtail
Sha: Understand
Shana: What
Sharmiit'mhhg: a style of bead embroidery that uses geometric shapes to create colorful designs
Shar'nath: Star [blossom unique to Aesry Surlaenis'a;bad luck to remove from island]
Shh'oi paguur: Great Monkey?
Shh'oi Pohokapo: Great Honored "Lady of Song"
Shh'oi: Great
Shh'oi'kumu: (meaning unknown)
Shh'oi'lata: Great Blade
Shhoi'sson: Name of the Palace in Ratha
Shh'oi'ur: Great One
Shh'oiyvh-ur: Dragon
S'hhra: Quick/Swift
Shra: Stop
Shu: Live [?]
Shuzh: Die
Sih: Amusement (Tail movement)
S'Kra'ur: the True People
Slo ku pivo'hhr'shu: Blood and Death
Slo: Blood
Smo: Tail (shortened form for compound words)
Smo'kku: Crystal
Smo'kku'par: Clensing
Smolg: Tail
Smolgi: Friend
Smo'neh: Long tail
Smozh: Tailless [WARNING: Grave insult. Punishable by death or ceremony.]
Snrhhti: [horn that comes from shellfish in deep ocean. Used by Sraan Indakar to scare enemies]
Sra'ajhh: Some type of wood
Sraan: Clan
S'rranteng: Alchemy
S'sa: Relief (Tail movement)
S'shen: Yes
S'su: (verb) guard/guarding
S'sugi: (noun) Guard
Staho: Street/Lane/Land/Road/Crossroads/Cross/Path/Trail/etc
S'uh: Caution/Careful (Tail movement)
Suhhei: Goblin
Sur: Right/West
Sur'nidrel: Jewelry worn over the right eye
Sur'oson: NorthWest
Szeldia: "The Serpent's Eye" heavenly body closely linked to Hav'roth
Tal: Near Future SUFFIX
Tami: (meaning unknown)
Tan'yi: Copper
Tei'oloh: War
Tei'oloh'lata: War blade
T'ekeipa: type of shell
Tel: Find
Tel'rath'a: Happiness
Tey: Alarm/Alert (Tail movement)
T'Lar: Drum
Trefan Maug: Serpent Clan Home
Trel: Finder
Tuul: Silver
Tzgaa orb: Some type of light?
Tzgaa'hhsigen: Fruit of the Earth (a crisp water-holding fruit)
Uaro: Head
Uaro's'sugi: Head Guard
Uen: Round
Uku'uan: Bow
Uku'uanstaho: Crossbow
Ur: One/First/True
Uraan'nido: "Sensed with eyes" Seen/Saw
Urhhsu: A Rathan King
Ur'Kapo Pohokapo: The One Honored "Lady of Song"
Ushuheke: Fountain
Venda: Ring
Vuush: Mouth
Yi: He/His
Y'ner: Time
Yrak Shar'nath: Dark Star
Yrak: Dark
Yvhh: Wing
Yvyn: Name
Zasul: Where
Zh'al'hhm: No Respect
Zha'vazh: Blood feud
Zhoss: No
Zhra: Taker/Thief


Hat Lav'ilo - Spear (not translation)
Hhr'ata -
Hhr'tami - Medium blunt; no meaning
Kudalata - [] Blade
Lata - Blade
Nehdalata - Long __ Blade
Nehgris - Spear
Nehlata - Long Blade
Shh'oi'lata - Great Blade
Tei'oloh'lata - War Blade
Uenlata - Round Blade
Uku'uan - Bow
Uku'uanstaho - Crossbow


Hhr'pao Bread - flat bread
Hhyssk'et Berry - nut-like berry. Its name means "bitter fire"
Hhyssk'et Juice - opposite of the membrane and is very sweet when the seed is fully ripened
Iroepi Root - crisp root vegetable, shaped like a turnip, and containing a very spicy sweet taste
Lanahh Pao - "Life bread" that is soft, sweet, pale golden in color and very fragrant when fresh. In some cultures it is broken and shared to celebrate the anlas of Hodierna's Blessing
Nehelyvhh - A type of fish.
Pokeke'pahamin - Multi-layered confection made from alternating spreads of fruit, pokeke bread and meat.
Tzgaa'hhsigen - "Fruit of the Earth" (a crisp water-holding fruit with a thin reddish skin)

Smozh Zharhhtha's Work

Unfinished Translations
~Ratha House Badges~

Zsikiel Phrase:
Kho, oshu tu indakar - Hark/Lo, spirit (as/like/unto) thunder

Moglin Phrase:
Hhs'lanahh paht - Liv Free

Tierskel Phrase:
Zhoss l'ot-jukun'ta'n - No ...

Redthorn(Human) Phrase:
Kor hhs'isth'hhtaw - Honor ...

Dne Phrase:
Aggahh'a hhs'shho'i'yvvh-ur - The Dragon's dream

Heggarangi'n q'zha - ... bold


Leyhan Mentin, Tsarenzi and Mhalacious Sraan-Hav'roth, Smozh Zharhhtha, Valloa Salea, GM Ellerina, Iscarious Brathach, Sorenne Naxela, Herpo Drakonides, GM Porlock, and Majebrad Gwelton.