### Number Convert
# This script will accept a global variable OR a string of text and attempt to convert it from a string to an integer.
# If providing a global variable, the script will overwrite the variable provided with the integer result.
# If providing a string, the script will set the global variable numConvertResult equal to the integer result.
# It is suggested that you have a trigger set up to make the initial variable setting as well as the script call.
# Example Triggers:
# #trigger {^You sense (.*) slivers from (Katamba|Xibar|Yavash) suitable for use in Telekinetic Throw orbiting your head\.$} {#var slivers $1; #send .numConvert slivers ; #echo >Log [Moonblade] Slivers - $slivers} {moonblade}
# #trigger {^There are (.*) non-ammunition items inside your .*.$} {#var nonAmmo $1; #send .numConvert nonAmmo}
# #trigger {^You count .* in .* and see there (is|are) (.*) left\.$} {#var ammoCount $2; #send .numConvert ammoCount}
# #trigger {^You count .* bolt(s)? in .* and see there (is|are) (.*) left\.$} {#var boltCount $3; #send .numConvert boltCount}
# Usage: .scriptName variableName
# .scriptName textToConvert
# ie:
# .numConvert ammoCount
# .numConvert thirty-two
var num 0
var wordBig hundred|thousand
var wordTens twenty|thirty|forty|fifty|sixty|seventy|eighty|ninety|eighty
var wordOnes one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine
var wordTeens ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|sixteen|seventeen|eighteen|nineteen
if_1 then {
if ((matchre("%1", "^\d+$")) || (matchre("$%1", "^\d+$"))) then {
echo [numConvert] Detected integer provided. Exiting.
if (contains("$%1", "$")) then {
echo [numConvert] Detected non-variable provided. Returning results in \\$numConvertResult.
var varName numConvertResult
var numWord %0
# Initialize numConvertResult.
if (!($numConvertResult > 0)) then {
put #var numConvertResult 0
} else {
var varName %1
var numWord $%varName
goto convert-main
} else {
goto convert-error
### MAIN
var str %numWord
gosub convert-replaceTeens
gosub convert-replaceOnes
gosub convert-replaceTens
eval str replacere("%str", " thousand", "000 +")
eval str replacere("%str", " hundred", "00 +")
evalmath num (%str)
put #var %varName %num
goto convert-exit
put #echo >Log [numConvert] Called without providing a parameter. Usage: .scriptName varName or .scriptName stringToConvert.
echo *********************
echo Number Convert Error
echo *********************
echo You must call this script with a parameter of either a global variable such as ammoCount or with a string of text to convert.
echo If providing a global variable, the script will overwrite the variable provided with the integer result.
echo If providing a string, the script will set the global variable numConvertResult equal to the integer result.
echo Examples:
echo .scriptName ammoCount
echo .scriptName thirty-two
pause .2
echo [numConvert] \\$%varName = $%varName.
# Parse added below for users calling this script from another or using triggers to capture the result. Uncomment it if you prefer this method.
# put #parse [numConvert] $%varName
eval str replacere("%str", "zero", " 0")
eval str replacere("%str", "-one", " + 1")
eval str replacere("%str", "-two", " + 2")
eval str replacere("%str", "-three", " + 3")
eval str replacere("%str", "-four", " + 4")
eval str replacere("%str", "-five", " + 5")
eval str replacere("%str", "-six", " + 6")
eval str replacere("%str", "-seven", " + 7")
eval str replacere("%str", "-eight", " + 8")
eval str replacere("%str", "-nine", " + 9")
eval str replacere("%str", "one", " 1")
eval str replacere("%str", "two", " 2")
eval str replacere("%str", "three", " 3")
eval str replacere("%str", "four", " 4")
eval str replacere("%str", "five", " 5")
eval str replacere("%str", "six", " 6")
eval str replacere("%str", "seven", " 7")
eval str replacere("%str", "eight", " 8")
eval str replacere("%str", "nine", " 9")
eval str replacere("%str", "ten", " 10")
eval str replacere("%str", "eleven", " 11")
eval str replacere("%str", "twelve", " 12")
eval str replacere("%str", "thirteen", " 13")
eval str replacere("%str", "fourteen", " 14")
eval str replacere("%str", "fifteen", " 15")
eval str replacere("%str", "sixteen", " 16")
eval str replacere("%str", "seventeen", " 17")
eval str replacere("%str", "eighteen", " 18")
eval str replacere("%str", "nineteen", " 19")
eval str replacere("%str", "twenty", " 20")
eval str replacere("%str", "thirty", " 30")
eval str replacere("%str", "forty", " 40")
eval str replacere("%str", "fifty", " 50")
eval str replacere("%str", "sixty", " 60")
eval str replacere("%str", "seventy", " 70")
eval str replacere("%str", "eighty", " 80")
eval str replacere("%str", "ninety", " 90")