
From Elanthipedia
Revision as of 16:40, 3 June 2008 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs) (updated logic and changed grammar for wear location)
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Look: Unknown
Core Noun: Unknown
Weight: ? stone(s)
Type: Unknown
For Sale At (Base Cost):
Appraised Cost: ? Kronar(s)
Special Properties:
  • This item is worn in an unknown slot.
  • This item is magical.

Usage Documentation:

This template is for use with non-armor, non-weapon items. Copy the following into the item page. Weapons, armor, and shields have their own separate templates, and for brawling and related equipment use Template:BrawlItem. For information on listing crafted equipment, consult the Manual of Style.

Variable Supported Values Usage
name name of the object if it's different than the page name
look the description gained by LOOKing at it.
noun the single word noun used to interact with it
type# magic/alchemy/herb/clothing/jewelry/tack/creation/pocketed/
rough chakrel/perfect chakrel/(guild)/container
For category inclusion
weight # weight in stones
wearloc n/generic/eye/eyes/ear/ears/head/hair/eyebrow/nose/neck/chest/
shirt/arms/upper arm/wrist/hands/finger/back/shoulder/shoulders/
where it is worn
magic y/n/cambrinth/gaethzen/gath mysanda If item is not cambrinth, gaethzen, or a gath mysanda, put "y" and list explanation on the next variable
maxcharge # maximum mana that can be held by it
heldspell the spell cast by the object
appcost # The cost given by an expert appraisal. Given in kronars
shop# Where it is sold
cost# # Kronars/Lirums/Dokoras Price at preceeding store