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100th Circle Moon Mage quest
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100th Circle Moon Mage Quest
Quest General Location: Taisgath
The Quest
You will obtain the quest information from your guild leader when you try to advance from 99th to 100th.
- >ask Kssarh about training
- Kssarh slams the book he was reading when you spoke to him and glares at you. "Now look. I've watched you start off as a runt in this guild and work your way up through the ranks. Don't get a big head because I could still demolish you with my pinky!" He pauses, pondering you with uncharacteristic calm, then quietly says, "Still, I'm proud of you. It's time you headed to Taisgath to learn what it really means to be a Moon Mage."
- Lomtaun smiles and says, "No more promotions for you, young Mozzik." Shocked to silence, you stare in disbelief at Lomtaun as he further explains. "Here on the isle of Sky Magic is where Fate has brought you, and now it is time for a greater experience. Ask me again about this experience, and I shall speak on what is required of you."
- Tiv fails to answer you immediately, taking a long moment to look you over with a calm expression. "My student, Traim. Every step we take brings us closer to perfection, a goal some claim is impossible. They do not understand why we strive, why we excel and grow, why we live." He pauses again and adds, "Yet I think you understand, or you would never have reached this point. It is time for you to speak to Lomtaun on Taisgath for what comes next."
(should you feel lucky and ask again...)
- >ask Kssarh about training
- Kssarh snorts and glares at you. "You're really pushing your luck, aren't you? You know where to go, but since you're acting like a worthless guttersnipe runt, I'll spell it out for you: T-A-I-S-G-A-T-H. And if you can't figure it out from THAT, you don't deserve to ever get promoted again."
- Cherulisa chuckles, points east and says, "You've already been told what you must do, Mozzik. Head to Taisgath and learn. May the spirits guide you."
- Tiv smiles. "You have already been told what you must do. Please, Mozzik, do not fight fate. Travel to Taisgath, and speak to Lomtaun."
- Gylwyn looks at you with concern, "You've already been told what you must do, Mozzik. The next step in your education lies on Taisgath, I would do you an injustice to let you advance without learning this."
- Mortom says, "Hmm. Mozzik, I do believe you've been told to go to Taisgath. Upon your return I will be more than ecstatic to speak with you."
Travel now to Taisgath and visit Lomtaun near the top of the guild tower located on the island.
- >ask Lomtaun about training
- Lomtaun looks up expectantly as you speak to him. "Fate has led you here." He takes several dice from within his robe and begins to roll them curiously along the mosaic. "Time and time again, the dice come up the same. It is as Fate decrees for all Moon Mages, and thus it is now decreed for you. Upon this isle, you will find an entry to a place few dare to go -- a place where the defining lines between the Plane of Probability and the Plane of Abiding are weakest. It is within that place that you will travel, to learn the deeper meaning of what it is to be a Moon Mage. When the three moons are in the sky, seek this understanding, and return here or to another Guildleader to claim your rightful destiny."
Wait until Yavash, Xibar, and Katamba are all risen and present in the sky. Travel into the deepest bowels of the Subterranean Depths, to the spot labeled on the map as "Arch". Beware the Shadow Masters for they roam this submerged deluge. (Map RanikMap90d)
You will arrive here..
[Subterranean Depths, Flooded Cavern]
The water here pools like a silent onyx lake, broken only by the sounds of the incessant dripping that reverberate hollowly around the chamber. At the western edge, a series of worn stone steps lead up from the water's surface to a carved archway bearing three colored stones.
Obvious exits: east.
- >exam arch
- The carved archway is completely sealed, blocked by tightly mortared chunks of basalt. An interesting sigil is carved right in the center, but time has defaced it and made it illegible.
- >exam stone
- The stone is square and inset in a similarly shaped opening in the wall. A glistening coating of deep crimson covers the stone, and a simple sigil of some sort is carved in its front-most side.
- >push stone
- You push a crimson stone into the wall. It settles into place with a solid thunk.
Roundtime: 12 seconds.
- >push other stone
- You push an azure stone into the wall. It settles into place with a solid thunk.
Roundtime: 12 seconds.
- >push third stone
- You push a basalt stone into the wall. It settles into place with a solid thunk.
The stones blocking the carved archway suddenly melt away in a ripple of light and shadow.
Roundtime: 12 seconds.
Go now through the arch and you will arrive here..
[Subterranean Abditory, Hall of the Artifact]
Though spared from the flood that has overtaken the tunnels, this room still suffers from the kind of dampness that permeates the surrounding rock. Shelves holding rotting books line the walls, which have been carved smooth and square. Amidst the useless and forgotten artifacts, however, one object is untouched by both time and moisture. Floating amid this wreckage of knowledge, gently spinning in the precise center of this ancient hall, is a spherical metal artifact. You also see a carved archway.
Obvious exits: none.
The spherical metal artifact bears significant meaning.
- >exam artifact
- The artifact floats eerily in the air. Its surface is made of an assortment of various metal plates, including bronze and silver. A ring of eight copper nodules encircles the device, but only four are visible at a time from any one side.
One of the copper nodules is pushed in, but still sparks with blue and crimson light.
Three of the copper nodules protrude out of the spherical device, sending sparks of azure, crimson and black flinging through the air.
There are some commands to use in order to interact with this artifact. They are: TOUCHING, PUSHING, PULLING, and FOCUSING. The idea is to turn the artifact by PUSHING or PULLING to the side which still has active nodules. You may only interact with one side at a time. Active, being defined in this case, by if they have been depressed using the TOUCH command. The reason is that the nodules obscure with their light and power the information you need to learn. Do this until you have..
- >touch art
- You lay your hand on the artifact.
The depressed nodule on the artifact suddenly stops sparking.
With a rapid series of solid thunks, the copper nodules reorganize as some pop out and some suddenly retract.
The metal artifact begins to hum softly.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
- >focus art
- You focus your magical senses on a spherical metal artifact.
A burning sensation rises up your arms and into your body.
You sense an incredibly powerful and complex matrix within the artifact, which is a beautiful example of Lunar energy.
Formula and theory race through your mind, and you suddenly gain an inkling of the binding forces of the cosmos.
Roundtime: 15 seconds.
I am not sure if a second focus is necessary, by the messaging it appears as it is not but to be safe here is the second focus messaging.
- >focus art
- You focus your magical senses on a spherical metal artifact.
A burning sensation rises up your arms and into your body.
You sense an incredibly powerful and complex matrix within the artifact.
The patterns are beautiful, invoking wild concepts of the composition of the cosmos.
You are already familiar with this theory.
Roundtime: 15 seconds.
Travel back to Lomtaun.
- >ask Lomtaun about training
- Lomtaun notices as you approach him, and before you can say a single word, begins to speak. "I foresaw this moment and I knew when you were sent to find the artifact, what the series of events that would happen thereafter would bring. My predictions were true, as Fate would will, for within your eyes I see that knowledge. Still, tell me of your thoughts and experiences with the artifact beneath this island." Lomtaun listens as you share the tale with him, and you explain the insight you gained from your quest.
The Guildleader leans back, smiling proudly as you finish the story. "Congratulations, for you have learned the connections that form the basis for our magic and our guild. The intricate patterns the stellar bodies form are just like those that drive our spells, our skills, and even our powers of foresight."
He continues, "A Moon Mage's powers are inextricably linked to the four moons." Lomtaun pauses, to see if you caught the reference. "Yes, *four* moons, young one, for Grazhir was all but destroyed so long ago. With this understanding of how interconnected our guild is with the bodies Celestial, you can now latch onto the small fragments of Grazhir rather than die on a failed Teleport."
"Now," he says, "We shall discuss if you are fated for further advancement."
- >ask Kssarh about training
- Kssarh's frown curls slowly into a grin as you approach him. "Well now, I've heard you're not so worthless as we were all so sure you were, Mozzik!" he exclaims. "Tell me what you have learned." In detail, you explain to Kssarh all the intricasies of the artifact on Taisgath, and the insight you've gained from the quest. When you finish the tale, he stares at you with an uncharacteristic smile for several silent moments.
- Kssarh says, "Congratulations, Mozzik. You've learned that the stellar bodies form intricate patterns, just like those that drive our spells, our skills, and even our contact with the Probability Plane! Well done."
- Kssarh continues, "A Moon Mage's power is very deeply linked to everything in the sky. We are Celestial Mages, but it is the four moons which aid us the most." He pauses, as you stare puzzled. "That's right. The four moons, for Grazhir was all but destroyed so long ago. With the understanding you have now, you can latch onto these small fragments rather than die like a worthless guttersnipe on a failed Teleport!" Kssarh pauses to roar with laughter. "Now we can talk about your promotion, but don't expect me to get easier on you now!"
- >ask Cherulisa about training
- Cherulisa closes her eyes and calmly smiles as you explain what you learned from the artifact on Taisgath. Quietly, she listens until you are finished, then opens her eyes to gaze upon you. "Surely, the spirits have chosen well, Daerte. Now you understand, don't you? The stellar bodies form intricate patterns, very much like the ones that drive our spells, our skills and our contact with the Plane of Probability. We are bound to the universe, and the universe is bound to us. We are tied to the planets, the stars and the moons."
- Cherulisa continues, "Our power fluctuates as these heavenly bodies move, but contrary to belief it does not fade when a moon is no longer visible. Look inside yourself, and you'll see this to be true." She pauses to smile as you ponder this statement. "Teleporting can be fatal if cast without a moonbeam... at least to someone who does not understand the nature of the universe. A true Moon Mage such as yourself can latch onto the small fragments of Grazhir that fell to Elanthia to establish an anchor point in lieu of a moonbeam. Congratulations, Daerte, for you have learned another lesson of the Ways."
- >ask Tiv about training
- Tiv steeples his fingers and looks up at your approach. With a warm smile forming on his lips, he speaks before you get a chance to say a word. "Is it strange for an old man to recognize knowledge in a young Elothean's face and to feel joy at his part in bringing about that knowledge? Some would call this shameful pride, but I am not perfect. No, perfection is a journey which even after years of study is some distance off. Tell me, Atazai, of your journey to Taisgath." Tiv leans back and listens as you tell him about the artifact and the quest.
- A moment of silence passes after you have finished the tale, but it is not an awkward nor uneasy one. Finally, Tiv speaks, his face clearly betraying a sense of calm pride. "Congratulations are in order. You have gained one more key and taken one more step along the path to enlightenment, and with this gift learned much. Now you realize how the intricate patterns of the stellar bodies are very similar to those that drive our spells, that power our skills, and that guide our visions. Our powers are linked to the four moons inextricably; they are as much a part of us as our arms or our minds."
- Tiv pauses, eyes flashing before saying, "Yes, *four* moons. Grazhir was all but destroyed so long ago. With this comprehension and the understanding of how all these patterns interact, you can now latch onto the small fragments of Grazhir rather than die on a failed Teleport."
- "Now," he says, "We shall discuss if you are fated for further advancement."
At this point you will be promoted to 100th provided you meet the experience requirements. If you do not, any guildleader after this point may promote you when your requirements are filled. Congratulations!