Unspiek's Repair Shop

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Incomplete Article
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Unspiek's Repair Shop
Province Therengia
Justice Unknown
Town Riverhaven
Map Ranik's Map 30
Owner Unspiek
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Repair shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Unspiek's Repair Shop, Workroom]
The sound of hammering and grinding is deafening in this cramped workshop. The heat from a small forge nearly roasts you and you try to move away from it without getting in the way of an apprentice hammering out fist-sized dents in a bloody steel cuirass. Unspiek, a squat and massive Dwarf, is filing the nicks out of a battle-axe nearly as broad as he is. Sparks shower the floor from his rapid work and the noise, on top of the rest of the infernal din, makes your teeth ache.
You also see a battered iron table, Repairman Unspiek, a large waste bucket, a small back-room, a large sign and a large repair bin.
Obvious exits: out.

A large sign reads:
You see the following engraved into the large sign:

     *** Welcome to Unspiek's Repair Shop ***

     To check on the status of a repair, look at your ticket.

     ASK UNSPIEK ABOUT REPAIR or MATERIALS for instructions.

     GIVE a single item to Unspiek or ASK UNSPIEK ABOUT REPAIRING ALL your items.

     To retrieve your item, just GIVE the ticket back to Unspiek.

     You MUST keep your ticket, or we will keep your items.

[Unspiek's Repair Shop, Living Area]
Apparently, Unspiek dwells here as well as works here. This room, even more cramped than the workshop, obviously serves as living and sleeping room for the owner. A tiny table and an old rusted charcoal stove sit next to a worn camp bed with moth-eaten covers. A small pot bubbles on the stove, the odor that of fish-head stew flavored with some spice that smells like burned dust.
You also see a worn camp bed and a tiny table with a small charcoal stove on it.
Obvious exits: out.