Category:Energy Weapons

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Revision as of 19:11, 5 February 2022 by TEVESHSZAT (talk | contribs) (TEVESHSZAT moved page Category:Energy bow to Category:Energy weapon: moving to a more all-encompassing term if/when things like slings (or any other kinds of weapons) get incorporated into this.)
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Enchanted bows and crossbows originally designed by Lograr that drain energy (mana, spirit, fatigue, or concentration) from the weapon's user and convert it into ephemeral ammunition.


  • LOAD <WEAPON> - Loads the weapon and incurs roundtime. Unlike regular weapons, you must specify the weapon name.
  • UNLOAD - Unloads the weapon readying it for storage or wearing. The ammo won't be in your hands because it disappears immediately.


  • Energy bows cannot be used to dual load.
  • Energy bows can be used to snipe.
  • Energy bows can be loaded from stealth or invisibility.
  • Energy bows powered by mana cannot be used by non-magic users.
  • Energy bows powered by spirit, concentration, or fatigue can be used by anyone.
  • Ammo fired cannot be collected because it disappears immediately.


According to the GMs, the energy ammo have the following appraisals.


somewhat heavy (8/28) puncture damage
somewhat fair (4/28) slice damage
poor (2/28) impact damage


moderate (7/28) puncture damage
somewhat moderate (6/28) slice damage
low (3/28) impact damage


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