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Morganite at a Glance
Material Type Gems
Colors Orange, Pink
Rarity Common
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations No

A type of beryl, morganite is an orange or pink gemstone. It is also known as pink beryl, rose beryl, pink emerald, and cesian beryl.

Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Cerise 71 120 67 133 257 448 353 757 675 1,050
Cerise Laced 100 100 1,130 1,130
Cirese Swirled 605 605
Champagne-hued 56,250 56,250
Green 52 102 122 236 201 498 109 109 565 1,332
Green Banded 92 92
Green Laced 408 408
Green Smokey 636 636
Mint Green 67 70 97 168 160 246 171 928 1,332 1,437
Mint Green Banded 252 252 505 505
Mint Green Faceted 857 857
Mint Green Swirled 142 142 1,656 1,656
Olive 61 110 206 317 295 736 1,151 2,040
Olive Laced 248 248 1,090 1,090
Olive Smoky 473 473
Orange 116 116 60 233 66 362 352 625 1 110 1 777
Orange Banded 67 67 245 245 535 535 1,110 1,110
Orange Faceted 1,716 1,716
Orange Laced 413 413
Orange-red 204 204 201 483 342 1,008 1,110 1,797
Orange-red Banded 141 141
Orange-red Faceted 95 95
Orange-red Smokey 379 379
Pink 61 71 60 123 267 473 181 746 262 1,716
Pink Faceted 82 90
Rose 63 63 72 182 125 453 535 866 1,030 1,211
Rose Banded 62 62
Rose Laced 131 131 1,555 1,555
Rose Spotted

Alteration Rules

This material is not required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources

Platinum filigree jewelry box with glaes fittings


ItemSource isRarity is
Crying baby crocodile fashioned from rough-cut emeraldsAhreusse's Atelier (1)
Electrum nose ring adorned with a tiny orange-red morganiteTurialo's Haven (9)
Ghostly white Pi'Qanah lotus tipped in azureTildi's Flowers (3)
Golden scabbard embellished with sparkling peach morganite gemstreasure map
Golden scabbard embellished with sparkling peach morganite gems
Item:Crying baby crocodile fashioned from rough-cut emeralds
Orange morganite striated cambrinth carrot

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