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Sunstone at a Glance
Material Type Gems
Colors Various
Rarity Common
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations No
Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Clear 131 1,026 262 1,973
Clear Banded 250 250
Green 157 671 273 788 1,368 1,368 18,953 18,953
Green Banded 195 195
Green Smoky 142 142
Orange-red 151 657 315 315 895 895 7 892 7 892 15 373 15 373
Orange-Red Banded 249 249 4,572 4,572
Orange-Red Smoky 4106 4106
Red 196 855 261 1631 841 3,794 7,160 7,160
Red Banded 646 646 667 667
Red Smokey 565 565 288 288
Red-orange 275 1 123 578 736 1,262 6,527 7,997 7,997
Red-orange Banded 447 605
Red-orange Smokey 288 288
Rose 157 511 315 315 526 526
Rose Smokey 526 526
Scarlet 131 276 447 447 9,897 9,897
Scarlet Banded 264 264
Scarlet Smokey 210 210
Yellow 122 933 393 447 341 2,358 7,155 7,155
Yellow Smokey
Yellow-orange 175 265 762 841
Yellow-orange Banded 3685 3685
Yellow-orange Smokey 473 473

Alteration Rules

This material is not required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources

Corik's Secret: Treasures of the Tomb/End loot and Polished goldbark gem case set with marquis topaz of myriad sizes


ItemSource isRarity is
Aldamdin hide scraper with an enameled handleSkyward Crafting (5)Skyward Crafting (6)Skyward Crafting (7)festival
Amber and sunstone combPischic's Pearls
Animite hand wristlet accented with red gold sunraysTurialo's Haven (7)
AthlomiShoiya's Gems
Band (2)Shoiya's Gems
Black linen shirt with carved sunstone buttonsBasket of colored dartsMegaSafari 413 game prizesDarkbox 425 prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Darkbox
Blackened gold ru'at bracelet inset with glowing sunstonesDesert Jewels
Blackened silver ring set with colored gems around a central moonstonePaper LionDark NighttrawlerDusktide RisingMoveable FeastDusk-winged Duck
Blued-steel gauntlets with claw-tipped fingersIprilu's Emporiumcommon
... further results

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