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Temporal Eddy

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Revision as of 18:10, 13 July 2021 by TK-421 (talk | contribs)
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Temporal Eddy Scroll-only Spell
Abbreviation: TE
Prerequisites: -
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 0
Mana Type: Feral Magic
Spell Type: standard / warding
Difficulty: basic
Prep (min/max): -"-" is not a number. / Unlimited
Skill Range (min/max): -"-" is not a number. / -"-" is not a number.
Valid Spell Target: Self
Duration (min/max): Instant minutes
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: Temporal Eddy is among the most basic temporal spells, insofar as "basic" and "temporal magic" go together. It is not true time travel, but instead a distortion effect that partially pushes the magician outside time. In practice, it gives the magician a chance to avoid the vast majority of damage from any given attack directed at them.
Effect: Ablative damage shield.
Example Messaging: >cast

Crackling, chaotic energy ripples through the area! You sense something sacrosanct breaking apart.
You feel a lurching sensation and a wave of dizziness, both of which soon depart. Afterward, the world feels somehow different than you remember.

Devices/Tattoos: Electrum kathla of eight incongruous medals depicting adventures of yore, Glowing truegold orlog strung on a gleaming chain of dawnfire steel
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  • Please see Category:Stubs for more articles that need content.
  • When it is completed to a reasonable degree, remove {{stub}} from this article.


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