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Satinova Gotsby
Status Active
Race Human
Gender Female
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime
Relatives Erieck


You see Lady Cavalier Satinova Gotsby of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Human Paladin.
Satinova has an oval face, a single snow violet tinged with purple that rests behind one of her ears, dreamy crystal blue eyes and a dainty dawns-eye daisy nose stud piercing one side of a freckled nose.
Her blonde hair is long and straight, and is worn pulled up in a cascading ponytail secured by a delicate hair ribbon of zerarin lace. She has tanned skin and a slender figure.
She is petite for a Human.
She appears to be young.

She is wearing a double-stranded pearl choker set with a central soulstone, a hooded cloak of creamy white linen trimmed in royal blue silk, an ivory silk blouse with delicate embroidery, a purple velvet bodice accented by ornate black needlework done in fine spidersilk, a vardite pavise shield inlaid with a soulstone sun, a linked gold chain with a well-worn soulstone hanging from the bail, a reinforced leather raekhlo with a silver sword hanging from it, a short grey flannel skirt cut to ride low on the hips and a pair of white suede boots with high heels and enameled buckles.


417 AV - Born to a single mother, an ex-adventurer empath who had settled near Kaerna Village.

432 AV - Spring - Satinova travels South from her home near Kaerna Village to the Crossing in order to follow the footsteps of her father and join the Paladin guild. Very shortly after arriving in the Crossing, she meets Kenamer Maylan who takes her on as squire and begins her formal training. In the same year, she is initiated into the ranks of Order of the Dragon Shield.

433 AV - Spring - Satinova tracks down her father, Erieck Gotsby in Theren. A few weeks later (Shorka 129) he formally adopts her as his daughter.

Prized Possessions

  • a vardite pavise shield inlaid with a soulstone sun

Polished to accentuate the hints of orange in the metal, the shield is highly decorated. A mural across its face shows a horde of undead surrounding a lone Paladin clad in plate armor, bearing a large shield at his side, and raising a greatsword over his head. Pale beams of crushed soulstone spread out in all directions from the sun above the warrior, with foul minions dissolving within the rays. A small banner rests below the brave warrior's feet. Written upon it is "Keeper of Souls"

This shield was given to Satinova by her knight mentor Kenamer, who designed and commissioned its construction. It once belonged to his brother Sturm Maylan.
  • a linked gold chain with a well-worn soulstone hanging from the bail

The soulstone is covered with tiny scratches and gouges and is generally in bad shape. It bears the telltale marks from a long ago Paladin that kept faithful vigil over a soul.

This relic once belonged to the Paladin Sir Storym, and through the years it has been carried by Dame Salamae, Sir Madigan and finally Sir Kenamer who passed it down to his squire, Satinova in 438 AV.
  • a silver sword with a wing-shaped crossguard

The two-handed grip and ricasso offer versatility in grip positions, while talon-shaped flukes prevent the hand from sliding down the blade. Twin gryphon wings compose the crossguard. The pommel is inlaid with a silver seven-pointed star symbolizing the unity of the Kermorian races. Impressed into the metal is the image of a hulking mountain encircled by the words, "Ironfang Weapon Works."

Given to Satinova by Sir Praxiuz, this bastard sword was designed by and once belonged to the elven Paladin Isharon.