Vela'tohr plant

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A plant native to forests in Forfedhdar. The plants there are blighted by an unholy force which transforms them into undead. Denizelva donated a healthy plant to the Crossing Temple shortly after her arrival there.


The vela'tohr plant is a large, stalky bush about the size of a Halfling. Its thick stem supports a large head type appendage wrapped in giant dark-green leaves. Sprouting from the sides of the thick stem are dozens of long thin tendrils which are coiled about its base stalk. The plant appears to be in a closed off dormant state currently.


You gently run your hand over the vela'tohr plant's closed leafy pod.
The vela'tohr plant stirs slightly for a short moment, then grows dormant once more.
(empath) You lay your hand gently alongside the leafy head of the vela'tohr plant.
The leaves of the vela'tohr plant begin to peel back revealing the softly glowing golden heart within. It hisses in a pleased manner at your empathic touch.
Roundtime: 20 seconds
(empath) You cautiously place a hand atop the globe-like heart of the vela'tohr plant.
The translucent golden orb hums with a slightly-hissing yet pleasant tune at your empathic touch, brilliant motes of golden light flashing beneath its surface.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
You gently pat the giant leaves folded over the vela'tohr plant's head.
The vela'tohr plant hisses in a relaxed manner, stirring slightly in its slumber.
(empath/ranger) You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
You sense what could be a faint aura of Life energy clinging to the vela'tohr plant. Your senses seem clouded though, perhaps by some other type of energy.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
(Empath, more skilled?)You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
A sense of great despair is laden upon the spirit of the creature. A severe hissing noise overcomes your senses, much like the plant itself often emits -- this, however, sounds more like a grove with thousands of them. A feeling of loneliness seems to emanate from the plant-beast, although tinged with some relief.
Your senses continue to reach further -- through the plant and to the place of its origin. The hissing noise falls silent, as if the creatures have suddenly ceased to exist. You feel a tinge of conflicting Unlife energy wash through your bones, quickly wrenching your hands free from the plant.
(cleric) You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
You strain to focus your senses inward upon the vela'tohr plant, drawing at its very center for information. You manage to touch upon the faintest trace of some indiscernible energy before your concentration snaps and your consciousness rejoins the world once more.
Roundtime: 15 seconds
(other guilds) You reach out and lay your hands upon the vela'tohr plant's stalk, closing your eyes in concentration.
You sense nothing but the faintest trace of energy clinging to the vela'tohr plant. You soon give way to frustration and open your eyes.
Roundtime: 20 seconds
(cleric) You sense a vague trace of energy exuding from the vela'tohr plant, but you are unable to discern whether it is magical or not.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
(empath) You perceive a faint aura of Life energy exuding from the large plant creature. It does not seem to be a strong magical entity, but its properties would suggest that it is more than a simple, mundane weed.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
One of the vela'tohr plant's tendrils animates suddenly and swats your hand away before you can get a good rough poke in.
Roundtime: 10 seconds
The vela'tohr plant suddenly jerks back as you move to harm it, lashing its stringy tendrils out to entangle you, dragging you to the ground!
The vela'tohr plant's tendrils uncoil from around your body, leaving you in a lumpy heap on the ground.
You stealthily edge toward the vela'tohr plant and give one of its tendrils a rough, malicious tweak!
Roundtime: 5 seconds
The tendrils of the vela'tohr plant suddenly spring to life and streak toward you! They coil themselves around your body and lift you off the ground as you struggle to free yourself.
The tendrils of the vela'tohr plant spin you around as they hold you aloft in the air. You're starting to get a little dizzy!
The vela'tohr plant suddenly flings you southwest!
[Temple Grounds, Courtyard]
The cobblestone path comes to a fork here, flanking a large shade tree to the east that grows amidst a lush garden of brilliant floral blooms in a veritable rainbow of color. This garden has been well-tended by the temple groundskeepers, the carefully pruned bushes and healthy vibrant flowers being no accident of nature. You also see a whitewashed wicker bench resting beneath the large shade tree.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.
You crumple to the ground in a dazed heap!
You shake your head vigorously and regain your senses, though you're still rather sore.
  • TICKLE: You lightly tickle the stalk of the vela'tohr plant.
An errant tendril of the vela'tohr plant suddenly springs to life, streaking straight toward your ribs to tickle you silly!
You collapse in a hysterical heap upon the ground, unable to contain your laughter!
You roll around on the ground, howling hysterically as the vela'tohr plant's errant tendril tickles you!
Finally the tendril ceases its jolly assault, returning to the others and leaving you in a panting heap upon the ground.

Closed Interactions

You boldly work your fingers in between the stalk of the vela'tohr plant and the tendrils coiled tightly about it, trying to pull them loose. After several moments of fruitless struggling without budging the iron-like bars of fleshy green plant, you give up.
Roundtime: 10 seconds

Open Interactions

You lightly pet the loose tendrils of the vela'tohr plant.
The tendrils wiggle and squirm about happily at your touch.

Atmospheric Messaging

  • A red-bellied shrike flutters into view, landing atop the closed pod-like head of the vela'tohr plant.
After several moments of carefully preening its feathers, the small bird flits off once more into the night sky.
  • With a relaxed hiss-like sigh the tendrils begin to unwind themselves meticulously from about the fleshy green trunk of the vela'tohr plant. They undulate sleepily, waggling in every direction before drooping to the ground in a massive sprawl of long, thin vines.
  • One of the loose tendrils lying about suddenly begins to wiggle about aimlessly. After a few moments of rustling about errantly in the foliage, it settles down and takes on the restful state of its numerous counterparts.