Item:Colored sanowret crystal

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

<color> sanowret crystal
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 2 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 100,000 Kronars80,000 Lirums <br />72,160 Dokoras <br />100 LTBpoints <br />100 Tickets <br />100 Scrips <br />
  • This item is magical.
  • This item is worn in an unknown or unset slot.
  • This item trains a skill with its use.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes, Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
This is a consolidated page that describes the mechanics of an item with many cosmetic variations, such as Hollow Eve gifts. Please document functionality, verbs, and other important information here instead of posting it on individual item pages. This ensures that all of the documentation is on one page instead of having it scattered across multiple pages; it also simplifies collaboration.

You may still create/edit individual item pages to add looks and other appraisal data, but please include a link to this page where players can read about how the item works.


A strong magical effect pulses strongly within the crystal, bright enough to manifest as a constant glow.
You recognize the magic as a manifestation of Lunar magic.
It seems to involve Psychic Projection.
The crystal is filled with an incredibly complex pattern of magical lines that create a complex pattern of knowledge inside it, which can be unlocked if you GAZE inside it, or EXHALE on its surface to bring some rudiementary knowledge to light.
Looking at the sanowret crystal, you believe it to contain some hidden knowledge that you can access if you GAZE into the crystal, or EXHALE on it to gain rudimentary knowledge of arcana.
You also think that you can turn, raise, rub, and clean the crystal.
The crystal looks fragile. You think you could LOWER it to put it on the ground instead of dropping it, which might damage it.
Upgrades will unlock new knowledge in the crystal that can be accessed with PUSH crystal.
You're unsure of what knowledge is in the crystal. You should CLEAN it first to get an idea.


An example is a snowy white sanowret crystal.

  • snowy white