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Madame Woodhut
Status: Alive
Gender: Female
Location: Mer'Kresh (Ranik Map 107)

Woodhut is the owner of the Mer'Kresh pet shop. She has a scrappy-looking parrot companion in her shop.


Tirelessly moving about her shop to feed and pet the animals, Madame Woodhut is obviously an energetic old gal. Her hair is tinted the strange shade of apricot favored by many ladies her age. Her dress is shielded by a heavy canvas apron laden with bulging pockets, and equally heavy black button-up shoes encase her feet.

  • LOOK PARROT: Ruffled and rumpled, bent-feathered and molting, the only thing shiny about this drably colored parrot is the baleful glint in its eyes.


  • One of the cats leaps at a string dangling from the hem of Madame Woodhut's dress. It misses and digs its claws into her shin. "Naughty kitty! Naughty!" she exclaims while untangling its claws from her stockings.
  • The dogs scamper around Madame Woodhut's legs as she tosses several treats on the floor, singing, "Heeeere puppies!" in a high-pitched, nasal voice. The dogs pounce on the treats; some gobble theirs down immediately, others toss them into the air and play a version of canine catch.