Kau leather

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‘Kau’ is ‘ash’ in Toggish. Kau leather is the result of a special Toggish process said to involve a mixture of herb and aromatic wood ashes, along with sundry alchemical reagents. After undergoing the kau process, a piece of previously ordinary leather becomes darker and extremely matte in finish, with a grain that is flake-like in appearance.

Leather introduced during the Droughtman's Challenge 426. This material must be provided for alterations.

Crafting Properties

Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Capacity Density Size Source


ItemSource isRare item
Ash-grey kau leather cloak with a green gold claspDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Ashen kau leather wallet with a platinum dragon crestSquat Bungalow (2)
Dark blue woolen caftan with morgawr bone buttons and a white linen liningHouse of the Revenant Fang 437/Incidental lootHouse of the Revenant Fang 433/Incidental loot
Dergatine explorer's hat with kau leather trimSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental lootSu Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental lootSu Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loottrue
Diacan case etched with spidery maze-patternsDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Ebony-fanged exoskeletal pike with a kau leather wrapped haftItem:Kau leather wristcuff set with ebony fangsDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Hardbound kau leather journal covered in doodles of imposing weaponsAesthene's Close 449/End Loottrue
Harp case of pocked red coral with blue zoetaen togglesHollow Eve Festival 450/Auctiontrue
Kau leather bellows fitted with a kertig nozzleDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loottrue
Kau leather brassard mounted with the splintered remains of a hexwood wandDroughtman's Challenge 450/End loottrue
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