Item:Sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal
Look: Fractured rainbows glimmer within the thin gems clinging to the golden bodies of these diminutives insects. The warm yellow metal casts a burnished brilliance upon the fragile layers, tinging them with a subtle sunlit glow.
Weight: 2 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 312,500 Kronars250,000 Lirums <br />225,500 Dokoras <br />312.5 LTBpoints <br />312.5 Tickets <br />312.5 Scrips <br />
  • This is an atmo item that will periodically emit messaging to the entire room.
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
  • This item alters the appearance of the user.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 2 length x 2 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Tildi's Blooms (4), Tildi's Blooms (3)
  • This Drifter item is shown in the optional jewelry/paint location of your Features. It will look like:
* A sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal float lazily around your right forearm, glowing with a lustrous sheen against your <skin/fur/scales>.
Experience with the fireflies and other similar items gives a clue to their nature. You believe you could PUSH them to change their location, RUB them to activate or silence them, WEAR them or REMOVE them.
The fireflies can be worn about the head, neck, right forearm, left forearm, right arm, left arm, right wrist, left wrist, right hand, and left hand.
  • PUSH: With a light push, you redirect a sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal floating around your <location1> to hover around your <location2> instead.
  • RUB (deactivate): Shushing the fireflies. You may RUB it again to restore its atmospherics.
  • RUB (activate): Restoring the atmospherics to your fireflies.
  • WEAR: You slowly release your fireflies into the air, setting them to orbit in lazy circles around your <location>.
  • REMOVE: With careful timing, you reach out and pluck a sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal from the air.

Atmospheric Messages

The following messages are given when these are active:

  • A sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal converge on your <location>, coalescing into a single mass as a luminous aura encompases the fireflies. As the fireflies resume orbit, glittering motes of light travel in their wake.
  • Increasing the speed with which they orbit your <location>, a sprinkle of fireflies made of scintillating gold-backed opal split into odd numbered groups, and begin to change direction. Multicolored trails of luminous glitter follow the fireflies, tracing the new paths in the air with brightly lit lines that soon fade.
  • Moving as a group, the fireflies encircling your <location> fan out in a long chain until the first fireflies fly just behind the last. Motes of light dance around the fireflies, flickering in time with their movements.
  • Trails of sparkling glitter follow behind the fireflies as they zip and zoom around your <location>.