News 1 18 - New/changed commands in DR3

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NEWS article 1-18:

Dateline 1/25/2013: NEW/CHANGED COMMANDS IN DR3

A handful of commands both new and old now have different uses. Please read the list below for more information.

INVOKE: Cambrinth now uses INVOKE and CHARGE to use. INVOKE (CAMB ITEM) CYCLIC works to link a cambrinth piece to a cylic spell. FOCUS no longer forms the link to cambrinth. Details can be read under HELP CAMBRINTH.

FOCUS: Now works as an informational command with cambrinth. Please read HELP CAMBRINTH for more information.

COMBAT MANEUVERS]: All combat maneuvers now come with a set of pros and cons. To view them, use <maneuver> HELP FULL. For example: SLICE HELP FULL

DISCERN: New magic-related command. This command allows you to learn more about spells you know. Depending on your Arcana skill, you will see how the spell works (similar to ASKing your guild leader about it) as well as how much mana you can put into the spell.

SPELL STANCE HELP: This command provides the syntax to adjust your spell stance. To read about Spell Stances, please check HELP SPELL-STANCE.

EXP BONUS: This verb helps you with the changes to Skills. With the loss of some skills, you have what are called Bonus Pools. This verb provides a bit more information on what pools you have available. EXP BONUS TOGGLE (skillset) allows you to turn a pool on or off.

RESPEC: This verb is LIMITED use. It will allow you to respec your stats ONCE.

EXP SWITCH: This verb is TIME LIMITED to 24 hours from your character's conversion (first log on after DR3 release.) This allows you to switch the way your Magic skills are grandfathered until you find the configuration that best suits you.

TRAIN [#]: Command allows you to train a particular skill to a given number of ranks. For Example: TRAIN 30 would train a stat to 30 if you are in the training area for it.

PREPARE: This command now has a HELP section. Please review it!

RELEASE SCROLL (spell): Spell scrolls only go away upon death or by choice now. This command allows you to forget a spell scroll you had previously learned.

TARGET <spell abbreviation> <mana amount> AT <target> -- Prepare a spell and immediately target it.

CONVERT: This command is set up to allow you to convert Mech into one of the RELEASED crafting skills. THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE ONCE, AT YOUR OWN RISK.