Harbor Ships

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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Infobox entry on justice
Harbor Pier Locations 2, 3, 4, 13, and 5
Province Zoluren
Justice Unknown
Town Ilaya Taipa
Map Ranik's Map 112
Owner Unknown
# of Rooms 1
Store Type see below shops
This store only accepts Kronars
  • Boats docked to these piers change, taking their wares with them.
  • Boats do not lay out wares at Pier Location 5 (the Purser's Clerk), but the Purser's inventory changes.
  • Pier Location 3 looks to be a food-only pier.
  • Pier Locations 2, 4, and 13 appear to lay out wares from other (minus pets and furniture, maybe food as well) categories.
  • Offerings seem to vary based on container selection, while items in those containers seem to be fixed, such that the tall crate will always contain just those two dresses (until the GMs add/remove items, at least).
  • Boats seen are: Paper Lion, Thornberry Dart, Golden Apple, Dusk-winged Duck, Talking Salmon, Blood Bane, River Dreamer, Dusktide Rising, Merelew Wench, Cat's Ninth Life, Wavecrester, Rusty Barnacle, Whitehaven Hope, Dark Nighttrawler, Bloody Barnacle, Harper's Song, Fleetwing Gull, Moveable Feast, Marsh Skipper, Spinning Jenny

[Ilaya Taipa, Pier]
Blandly anonymous, as all such places are, the weathered boards of the pier creak underfoot. Heavy pilings on either side are lashed together by layers of tarred rope. You also see (random crates, boxes, and displays of items laid out for you, or the purser's clerk), the water of the harbor below, and (one of the ships named below) moored beside the pier.

Item Price Done
blue baize card table 80000   !!
graceful oval lacewood tea table 150000   !!
bright pink fur-covered sofa 100000   !!
blue suede camel-back sofa 90000   !!
red velvet saddleback sofa 50000   !!
velvet and leopard skin chaise 40000   !!
grey-cushion rattan basket chair (set of 2) 75000   No
fan-backed wicker chair (set of 4) 75000   No
blocky slatted oak armchair (set of 2) 7500   No
pearwood sleigh bed 120000   !!
carved copperleaf bed 120000   !!
ewys willow bed 120000   !!
lop-eared chestnut puppy 220000   !!
wiry-haired tricolor puppy 220000   !!
white-crested blue parakeet 160000   !!
blue-streaked white parakeet 160000   !!
pale green parakeet 160000   !!
dull brown mouse 145000   !!
dainty white mouse 145000   !!
pale grey mouse 145000   !!
small white rat 150000   !!
glossy black rat 120000   !!
bright red strawberry finch 160000   !!
long-tailed widow finch 160000   !!
  • ORDER to see a list of items
  • ORDER # to buy something
  • inventory changes when ships change

in the damp moss-filled barrel (Housing)
Item Price Done
fluted clay planter 31250   !!
moss-filled hanging basket 31250   !!
pair of marble urns 31250   !!
dark green windowboxes 31250   !!
painted white windowboxes 31250   !!
large terracotta planter 31250   !!
in the slanted wooden stand (Housing)
Item Price Done
weathered cedar shutters 31250   !!
painted red shutters 31250   !!
oiled cedar shutters 31250   !!
painted black shutters 31250   !!
painted white shutters 31250   !!
in the straw-filled wooden barrel (Perfume)
Item Price Done
opalescent black glass flask (Mysterious) 4375   No
scare-cut ruby glass flask (Dark Bliss Cologne) 4375   No
delicate cobalt glass flask (Innocence) 4375   No
twisted amber glass flask (Sultry Desire) 4375   No
in the leaf-filled oak barrel (Perfume)
Item Price Done
dainty cranberry glass vial (Citrus Passion) 4375   No
tiny citrine glass vial (Summer Love) 4375   No
peridot-green fluted glass vial (Bay Rum Cologne) 4375   No
cloudy jade glass vial (Forest Passion Cologne) 4375   No
bubbled sapphire glass vial (Tropic Breeze) 4375   No
in the velvet-lined jewelry box (Jewelry)
Item Price Done
oval pendant depicting a sinuous abolone sea drake in a lapis ocean 3750   No
delicate turquoise pendant of a woman silhouetted against the crest of the Empath's Guild 3750   No
carved jade pendant of a wild-haired giant's head 3750   !!
carved onyx pendant of a cobra with flared hood 3750   !!
carved coral cameo pendant depicting a female archer with a drawn bow 3750   No
in the silk-lined jewelry box (Jewelry)
Item Price Done
carmved amber pendant of a roaring lion's head 3750   No
carved lapis lazuli pendant of a Dwarven battle axe 6250   No
amethyst cameo pendant of a stately woman holding a balance scale 3750   
carved jasper pendant of a ram with spiraling bone horns 3750   !!
gold and ivory pendant of a brigantine with billowing sails 6250   !!
in the hammered brass coffer (Jewelry)
Item Price Done
brazen sunstone suspended from a braided bronze and gold chain 125000   !!
luminous dreamstone suspended from a fine crystal chain 125000   !!
in the velvet-lined wooden case (Jewelry)
Item Price Done
dainty gold ring set with colored gems around a rose quartz heart 62500   !!
delicate silver ring set with colorful gems 31250   !!
blackened silver ring set with colored gems around a central moonstone 28125   !!
burnished copper ring set with an amber sun-in-glory 15625   !!
burnished platinum ring set with a cabochon amethyst heart 125000   !!
in the battered tin bucket (Clothing)
Item Price Done
violet with petals of dyed dark indigo silk wrapped around a delicate silver stem 15000   !!
silver mesh moonflower framed by delicate emerald silk leaves 18750   !!
blue spidersilk rose tinted the lovely hue of Xibar's light 9375   !!
dark red spidersilk rose wit blushing petals 9375   No
pale spidersilk lily accented by two tiny peal dewdrops 12500   !!
delicate dark spidersilk orchid threaded with small topaz beads 12500   !!
elegant black velvet rose 6250   !!
in the ornately painted trunk (Clothing)
Item Price Done
iridescent satin slippers in a play of pastel colors 3281   !!
dark velvet slippers studded with tear-shaped diamonds 80625   !!
fine spidersilk slippers adorned with round silver bells 38062   
silvery velvet boots with shimmering moonstone clasps 6342   !!
dark leather boots buckled with emerald-inlaid silver clasps 64462   !!
in the sturdy wooden crate (Clothing)
Item Price Done
pair of soft knee-high deerskin moccasins with black rabbit fur lining 2125   !!
pair of supple knee-high snakeskin moccasins with silver-beaded laces 3125   !!
pair of ruddy knee-high horsehide moccasins with contrasting grey squirrel fur lining 2125   !!
pair of knee-high calfskin moccasins with braided leather laces 2125   !!
in the satin-lined oak chest (Clothing)
Item Price Done
short black leather wrap skirt secured by polished brass buckles 15000   !!
pale blue suede jacket embossed with a cascade of falling autumn leaves 18750   !!
heavy leather jacket embossed with a spill of colorful painted stars 9375   !!
snug knee-length leather skirt slit up the side 9375   !!
dark green leggings 12500   DG
in the sapphire-blue painted chest (Clothing)
Item Price Done
yellow chiffon bodice stitched with tiny violet lilies 15187   !!
black satin bodice laced with silvery velvet threads 6750   !!
purple velvet bodice accented by ornate black needlework done in fine spidersilk 8437   !!
dark green bodice embroidered along the edges with silvery ivy leaves 2467   No
red satin bodice with slashing that reveals black silk lining beneath 15000   !!
blue silken bodice threaded with dark mauve satin cord 8750   !!
pale cerulean bodice with slender ebonwood boning 8731   !!
in the smooth applewood chest (Clothing)
Item Price Done
dark coral spidersilk satchel worked with inlaid turquoise beads 46875   !!
macrame spidersilk satchel 43750   !!
silvery spidersilk satchel accented by pure white swan feathers 43750   !!
braided spidersilk satchel 43750   !!
in the warped maple chest (Clothing)
Item Price Done
belled silver anklet 6250   !!
in the copper-bound blue shagreen trunk (Clothing)
Item Price Done
pale blue and white striped skirt 2500   !!
lace-edged coral silk skirt 18750   !!
elegant black velvet skirt 18750   !!
pleated white linen skirt 3125   !!
lace-trimmed green velvet skirt 18750   !!
pintucked blue sateen skirt 3125   !!
in the woven twig bucket (Clothing)
Item Price Done
black lace haversack clasped with a tiny pearl rose 100000   !!
silver mesh haversack 37500   !!
bronze-beaded black suede haversack 18750   !!
silver leather haversack 12500   !!
red satin haversack 12500   !!
braided spidersilk haversack 56250   !!
mottled copper silk haversack 25000   !!
in the cedar-lined oak trunk (Clothing)
Item Price Done
hip-length lambskin coat with an upturned fleece collar 11875   
deep crimson wool riding cloak lined in pale grey rabbit fur 13125   
dashing hip-length swordsman's cape lined in lush brown otter fur 13750   
ankle-length white snow leopard cloak trimmed with red fox fur 28125   
plush red fox fur cloak with a dark green raw silk lining 25000   
in the tall crate (Clothing)
Item Price Done
long brocade gown adorned with miniscule seed pearls 19461   !!
sky blue sundress embroidered with delicate white honeysuckle 3125   !!
in the cedar-lined shagreen trunk (Clothing)
Item Price Done
soft lavender linsey-woolsey stole with an embroidered silver maze border 3125   
sky-blue mohair stole with a long crystal-beaded fringe 3125   
pale grey woolen stole with an embroidered knotwork rose vine border 3125   
in the heavy oak crate (Tanning)
Item Price Done
carved-bone hide scraper 2875   
thin-copper hide scraper 937   
granite hide scraper 1500   
twin-handled hide scraper 1625   
agate hide scraper 3000   
fine-burred hide scraper 2875   
quartz hide scraper 3000   
forged-steel hide scraper 937   
rough-shell hide scraper 1500   
bent-handled hide scraper 1500   
in the round metal tin (Food)
Item Price Done
bag of rock candy 18   
bag of caramel bullseyes 25   
box of chocolate caramels 37   !!
box of jellied fruit 37   !!
box of chocolate cherries 62   !!
in the copper-banded oak barrel (Food)
Item Price Done
bag of yellow onions 12   
bunch of pale green celery 15   !!
bag of salt-cured shrimp 50   
bunch of stubby carrots 15   !!
bag of dried figs 18   
bag of dried chickpeas 15   
in the slatted oak bin (Food)
Item Price Done
jar of marinated mushrooms 25   !!
jar of oil-cured red peppers 25   !!
jar of oil-cured black olives 25   !!
jar of brine-cured olives 25   !!
jar of salt-cured olives 25   !!
jar of pitted black olives 25   !!
in the wooden bin (Food)
Item Price Done
jar of red-pickled eggs 25   !!
jar of salt-cured eggs 25   !!
jar of potted rabbit 25   !!
jar of pickled spiced cabbage 25   !!
on the wine rack (Food)
Item Price Done
ornately etched bottle of blood orange liqueur 62   !!
bottle of almond liqueur with a silver cork 62   
porcelain bottle of sweet cream sherry 62   DG
dusty bottle of tawny port 56   !!
in the wire-wound teak coffer (Food)
Item Price Done
jar of potted pheasant 50   !!
jar of potted boar 50   !!
jar of potted quail 50   !!
jar of potted venison 50   !!
jar of potted shrimp 50   !!
in the fretwork sandalwood box (Food)
Item Price Done
candied rose petals 31   !!
vibrant candied pansies 31   !!
candied nasturtium flowers 31   !!
candied borage blossoms 31   !!
delicate candied violets 31   !!
in and on the tin-lined teak trunk (Food)
Item Price Done
round of journey bread 18   !!
wedge of sweet cornbread 22   !!
hot pepper cornbread 22   !!
loaf of wayfarer's bread 18   !!
in the cedar box (Food)
Item Price Done
cubes of dried papaya 18   !!
jar of dried raspberries 31   !!
sliced dried bananas 31   !!
jar of dried blueberries 25   !!
jar of dried cranberries 25   !!
in the pine crate (Food)
Item Price Done
thin ash cheese box 1250   !!
thin oak cheese box 1250   !!
beechwood cheese box 1250   !!
bentwood cheese box 1250   !!
in the tin-lined oak box (Food)
Item Price Done
candied lemon peel 25   !!
candied orange peel 25   !!
candied sicle bark 25   !!
candied taffelberries 25   
candied ginger 25   !!
in the battered wooden toy-box (Trinket)
Item Price Done
richly-clad Trader doll 2125   !!
wand-bearing Mage doll 2125   No
fierce-faced Barbarian doll 2125   !!
green-clad Ranger doll 2125   !!
smiling Empath doll 2125   !!
winking Bard doll 2125   !!
starry-robed Moon Mage doll 2125   !!
shifty-eyed Thief doll 2125   !!
noble-looking Paladin doll 2125   !!
white-robed Cleric doll 2125   !!
in the polished cedar coffer (Magical Items)
Item Price Done
smoky quartz dragon surrounded by bits of dented cambrinth armor 101562   !!
heavy rock crystal dragon with outstretched cambrinth wings 101562   !!
gold-streaked quartz dragon curled around a cambrinth globe 101562   !!
rutilated rose quartz dragon breathing a cambrinth flame 101562   !!
in the polished oak jewelry box (Magical Items)
Item Price Done
hammered copper ankle cuff lodged with a multitude of small cambrinth arrows 62500   
cambrinth bead-woven ankle strap depicting a bountiful wilderness scene 62500   
serpentine anklet hung with jeweled cambrinth charms depicting the six elements 125000   
twisted gold ankle cuff clasped with an intricately etched cambrinth flagon 125000   
heavy gold anklet embossed with detailed cambrinth images of the Immortals 75000   
delicate ankle breacelet hung with healing herb charms carved from cambrinth 93750   No
cambrinth anklet clasped with a rearing unicorn cut from a flawless diamond 187500   
leather anklet woven with cambrinth stones forming the image of a raging river 62500   
braided leather ankle bracelet strung with faceted cambrinth stones 62500   
delicate platinum ankle cuff clasped with a jeweled cambrinth chalice 250000   
linked cambrinth ankle bracelet hung with a jeweled black-enamel musical note 112500   
in the copper-bound oak barrel (Weapons, Clothing, Jewelry)
Item Price Done
polished broadsword with a gleaming mahogany hilt 7500   No
crimson leather hip belt fastened with an onyx buckle 8125   !!
thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Bards' Guild 4375   No
delicate goldbark wren and panther clasp 5000   !!
bronze medallion stamped with the image of a flying wren 300   !!
blue brocade backpack embroidered along the straps with a wren-in-flight pattern 10000   !!