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Item:Long brocade gown adorned with miniscule seed pearls

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

long brocade gown adorned with miniscule seed pearls
Look: The pearls curl over the bodice of the gown in an intricate curling labyrinth.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 19,461 Kronars15,568.8 Lirums <br />14,043.058 Dokoras <br />19.461 LTBpoints <br />19.461 Tickets <br />19.461 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Tropic Night, Mermaid's Fall, Harper's Song, Backfence Gossip