Item:Smiling candy Bard

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Incomplete Item
  • This item is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Item Type

smiling candy Bard
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Uses: 3
Appraised Cost: 0 Kronars0 Lirums <br />0 Dokoras <br />0 LTBpoints <br />0 Tickets <br />0 Scrips <br />
  • This item is food.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Guildfest 445, Guildfest 438, Guildfest 431, Guildfest 423, Guildfest 416, Guildfest 412, Guildfest 409
  • STUDY: You believe that you can chew on the Bard by EATing it, EXHALE when chewing on it to blow a bubble, stick it behind your ear by WEARing it or SPIT it out. You further feel that TOSSing it away will get rid of it forever.
You believe there may be more ways you can manipulate it, but after all it is just a smiling candy Bard, so it might be best to discover the rest on your own.
  • LICK: You lick the candy Bard and discover that it tastes vaguely like ale.
  • EAT: You take a bite of your Bard and begin to chew, releasing the gum's clove flavor.
  • EAT: You toss a dancing candy Bard into your mouth and begin to chew, releasing the gum's whiskey flavor.

Becomes gum when eaten.