Martrem's Forge and Armory

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Incomplete Article
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Martrem's Forge and Armory
Province Qi'Reshalia
Justice Unknown
Town Aesry Surlaenis'a
Map Ranik's Map 99
Owner Master Smith Martrem
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Armor shops
This store only accepts Lirums

Note: You may be able to haggle for lower prices depending on your Charisma.

[Martrem's Forge and Armory]
The air is filled with the raucous din of apprentices' hammers striking the anvils about the forge. Near the fire, a soot-streaked urchin labors over the leather bellows to fan the flames. Supervising the confusion is a burly Gor'Tog smith who paces tirelessly about the room. You also see Master Smith Martrem and a polished wooden counter with a singed calfskin catalog on it.

Page 1 - Light Chain Armor
Item Price Done
Triple Disk Cuirass (torso/arms) 8000   No
Padded Chain Haqueton (torso/arms) 8500   No
Page 2 - Heavy Chain Armor
Item Price Done
Troll-bone Lamellar Armor (torso/arms/legs) 19000   No
Oiled Black Barmail (torso/arms/legs) 22500   No
Bezainted Battle Armor (torso/arms/legs) 22000   No
Page 3 - Chainmail Accessories
Item Price Done
Laced Mail Chausses (legs) 650   No
Blackened Mail Gloves (hands) 500   No
Silver-chased Barbute (head/neck) 1400   No
Gilt-trimmed Coif (head/neck) 1350   No
Page 4 - Light Plate Armor
Item Price Done
Silver-etched Ribbed Breastplate (torso) 22500   No
Polished Bell Cuirass (torso) 26000   No
Beaten Steel Hauberk (torso) 20500   No
Engraved Steel Shynbalds (legs) 2100   No
Bronze Spike-knuckled Gauntlets (hands) 2500   No
Gold-wash Steel Vambraces (arms) 2400   No
Ebon-banded Casque (head/neck) 6000   No
Cave Bear Skull Helm (head/neck) 5000   No