Post:Current Staff Structure - 10/23/2014 - 11:54

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Current Staff Structure · on 10/23/2014 11:54 AM CDT 1086
With a recent staff overhaul, I've taken each team and grouped it with the other teams it would sensibly be grouped with, and put them together under a larger "Division" umbrella. This doesn't change the way the teams are managed, just makes it easier in terms of Senior staff oversight.

Current as of Oct 22, 2014:

Development Team Worlds Division Lead: SGM Ulerith

Skillsets Division Lead: ASGM Armifer

Content Division Lead: ASGM Ricinus

Positions Division Lead: ASGM Kodius

Positions are single (or occasionally double) positions which are not responsible for all the development in the area, but instead it's an oversight role that allows someone to keep an eye on the full scope of development by the regular teams.
*GDO is technically a position, but fits better grouped with Skillsets.

Customer Experience Team Premium Services Division Lead: SGM Zadraes

Event Division Lead: ASGM Melete

  • Event Team: FGM Persida
  • Hentaraen and In-Game News Team: OPEN
  • Advocates Team: ASGM Melete
  • Orders and Player Groups: FGM Jhustis

Player Volunteer Division Lead: SGM Lyneya

Administrative Division Lead: SGM Lyneya

  • Hiring Team: SGM Lyneya
  • Training Team: SGM Lyneya
  • Shift Team Supervisor: OPEN
This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.