Post:Kaldar Items - 07/02/2011 - 10:17

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Re: Kaldar Items · on 07/02/2011 10:17 AM CDT 1042
The first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about icesilk.


As I was saying, I'm not sure it is entirely fair to assume that Kaldar do without centralized markets. While they rejected the Gorbesh's empire building, that is hardly the same as saying they do not still have cities, settlements, and trade.

Further, it is entirely accurate to say that Kaldar take pride in their arms and armor. While they split from the Gorbesh, they're still a very militant people, and if anything they have a greater emphasis on personal glory -- which would further reinforce the connection to their own arms and armor. Which is not to say that a Kaldar chopping wood would hesitate to plant that same ax in the face of an ogre who happened to need defacification should his proper ogre chopping ax be out of arm's reach.


This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Kaldar - The Korner, by DR-RAESH on the forums.