Post:Shock Rewrite - 07/22/2012 - 06:37

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Re: Shock Rewrite · on 07/22/2012 06:37 AM CDT 1392
>>From what I knew, spells like FOC, REG ,HL, INNO, etc had no direct correlation with your empathy skill. Is this just a lore connection or are these spells going to be tied directly into empathy in 3.0? Or was I wrong in the first place?

HL, IIRC, already requires intact empathy to use. Innocence does not, but to my mind this (and compel) is a manifestation of empathic manipulation, bolstered by magic, so to me it does make sense to require at least some amount of Empathy to use those.

As to FoC and Regen ... the idea is that as a totally shocked Empath, you will still have access to some self-healing (HW, HS, HEAL, FP and CD) but you won't be a stupendous healing badass anymore. This is for game balance reasons, mainly.

Requiring Empathy to use the healing spells is definitely a shift, but again, I want the shock-lock state to have some teeth. Obviously an Empath who hasn't hit the circle cap yet will have some incentives to keep their empathy intact, but I don't want to encourage Empaths who have hit the circle cap to view shock-lock as the default state. Thus, some of the more awesome healing spells do require at least some empathy to use.

Once we get to that point I will see about trying to figure out how to fit this into the lore without doing it any truly grievous insults.

This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ General Discussions - Empaths, by DR-MELETE on the forums.