Post:The Prydaen Necromancer - 9/19/2010 - 15:03:50

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Re: The Prydaen Necromancer · on 9/19/2010 3:03:50 PM 389
>>I don't know if it's really an IC-mainstream thought, but with the way that there are Albarian gods there and Kermorian gods here (and those Prydean/Rakash gods now has a consulate in Kermoria or something), I've always had my characters view all Gods more like overlords of certain regions a la Greek Parthenon.

There's three dominant competing views in the Temple for how this works.

1) The Immortals exist as overgods of the plane except where minor deities are allowed to hold sway. The Prydaen gods exist because the Immortals are OK with contracting out Prydaen souls. Everything's OK as long as people keep this in context and do not place their silly household gods over the true gods of creation.

2) The Immortals exist as the only gods of the plane, everything else is demonic interference. The Prydaen gods are really a demonic force that has claimed their souls and the Eastern clerics have a moral obligation to do everything in their power to save the cats from themselves.

3) The Immortals exist as the only gods of the plane, and other divinities are cultural corruptions of the Immortals which the gods humor because they're so nice and open to genuine faith. Eastern clerics have a moral obligation to teach the noble savages the right way to pray.

Beyond that there's lesser, idiosyncratic views such as "the western gods were really just ancient heroes" to the incredibly unpopular "we should just learn to live together and respect each other's beliefs." The truth of the matter would require a better understanding of the universe than any mortal has.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) \ Roleplaying the Necromancer (12), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.