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Devitalize (2.0)

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Ranger thumb.jpgRanger Guild
Devitalize Targeted Magic Spell
Abbreviation: DE
Prerequisites: Eagle's Cry
Minimum Prep: 6
Casting Cap: 58
Valid Spell Target: Others, Critters
Description: A dark use of Nature's energies, the Devitalize spell strikes your opponent with a concentrated infusion of Life Mana. This energy is too much for living beings and all corporeal undead to safely handle, causing strange and potentially fatal reactions within them. However, we are still not entirely certain the full effects of this blue-green energy, despite the myriad ways we use it. What we know is that through this application, it will attempt to freeze and twist the target's body from within. Be warned, this spell breaks from the typical ranger tradition of Harmony with Nature to instead bend Nature and its creatures for your own desires, use it at your own peril. However, this magic is in no way Necromancy, nor does it harm Nature in any fashion to use it.
Example Messaging: You clench your fist and mutter a whispered invection against the black leucro.
With a noise reminicent of an old groaning oak, a roiling mass of frenzied green and blue energy forms into being, streaking towards the black leucro!

The roiling mass of blue-green energy slams violently into its head, snapping and cracking clearly audible as the energy briefly hides it from view. With a final blue flash, the mass dissipates, leaving behind only the frigid remnants of what appears to be an abstract sculpture of a skull.
A giant black leucro suddenly yelps like a puppy and stops all movement.

With a noise reminicent of an old groaning oak, a roiling mass of frenzied green and blue energy forms into being, streaking towards the field goblin!
The blue-green energy slams into its chest, absorbed within. As its body creaks and cracks in plaintive torment, its chest collapses in on itself, shattering as it transforms into a morbidly beautiful blizzard of ice shards.
A field goblin shudders and then suddenly stops all movement


  • First of a series of "Dark Nature" style of spells. Does Cold and Impact damage.
  • As powerful as Strange Arrow.
  • This spell is not affected by environmental factors. ~ GM Zeyurn (1/09)