Osrel Meraud

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Cleric thumb.jpgCleric Guild

Osrel Meraud
Abbreviation: OM
Prerequisites: Circle 20 and Sanctify Pattern
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 3
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: standard / utility
Difficulty: esoteric
Prep (min/max): 20 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: Objects
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The Osrel Meraud spell is a powerful enchantment that imbues a glass orb bearing the favor of the spell's namesake deity or one of his aspects with holy mana, transforming it into a magical reservoir. If skilled enough, the caster will be able to weave the pattern of other beneficial spells into the orb. These spells will affect the caster, but feed off of the orb as long as it has energy.
Effect: Unknown
Example Messaging: You gesture over the Meraud orb, muttering tones of enchantment!

Crackling waves of brilliant light swirl over the surface of the Meraud orb! It rapidly begins to expand and pulsate as the glassy surface shatters, exploding outward into a roiling ball of light that rises from your palm, into the air!

Refill (Not Full):
You concentrate intently, attempting to infuse a moderate amount of your harnessed mana into your active Osrel Meraud spell pattern.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You sense that you were able to channel a bit more than half of your infusion's power into a brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light. A faint tugging sensation emanates from the orb, as if it hungers for more.

Refill (Full):
You concentrate intently, attempting to infuse a minor amount of your harnessed mana into your active Osrel Meraud spell pattern.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You sense that you were able to channel a bit more than half of your infusion's power into a brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light. A sense of fullness emanates from the orb.

You concentrate intently, attempting to infuse a moderate amount of your harnessed mana into your active Osrel Meraud spell pattern.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You sense that you were able to channel a bit more than half of your infusion's power into a brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light. A faint tingle washes through you as some of the energy is diffused, the orb having reached its full capacity.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.

Stores spells and keeps them active until released. Active buffs tied with the orb will show via power perceive. Skill dictates how many spells can be held in the orb at one time. The more spells active in the orb, the faster it depletes its charge and must be infused with more mana to maintain the spells.

Active Spells:
You reach out with your senses and see muted (5/21) streams of golden Holy mana radiating through the area.
Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is somewhat more mana to the southeast, and moderately more mana to the northeast.
You sense your Osrel Meraud spell linking you to a brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light, which should last until you release it.
You sense the Centering spell upon you, which is linked to your Osrel Meraud orb.
You sense the Shield of Light spell upon you, which is linked to your Osrel Meraud orb.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

To cast the orb initially the cleric must have a Meraud favor orb in hand, the orb does not need to be filled. Simply Prepare the spell and cast it on the orb. Under the new magic system it requires roughly 220 holy magic to successfully cast.

To tie a spell into the orb prepare the desired spell and then TOUCH ORB

You reach up with open palms and cradle the floating cerulean orb, allowing its light to ripple over your entire body. You sense a tugging sensation from the center of the orb, pulling at your consciousness.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
You sense the cerulean orb attempting to absorb the spell in your mind. You successfully weave the Shield of Light spell into the receptive aura of the orb, and feel the energies seeping down into the magic of its core!

In a fiery blaze, a sparkling tower shield appears in your left hand.

To release a spell tied to the orb simply RELEASE <SPELL>

To toggle the atmospheric messaging of the orb TAP ORB

To refill the orb, either harness and infuse OM or prep OM and cast orb. Infusions are less efficient than casting.

Spells cast into an orb that can be cast on items, such as Bless and water or Glythtide's Gift and drinks, can be cast on items without interfering with the orb-stored spell.

Per Ricinus: Casting OM uses the standard Utility and Holy Magic skill blend to determine how much mana you can use per cast. This applies to the original cast as well refreshing casts. The size of the orb is determined based on your Holy Magic skill when the orb is created. Roundtime reduction for touching or breaking the orb is based on Arcana. Roundtime reduction for casting OM is based on Holy Magic. Infusions loss is reduced by Arcana. OM casts always use 100% of the mana you are able to use to cast.

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