Nissa's Binding

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Empath thumb.jpgEmpathGuild

Nissa's Binding
Abbreviation: NB
Prerequisites: Awaken or Compel
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: battle / debilitation
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 15 / 100
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: Area, Engaged enemies, Target, CREATURE
Duration (min/max): Unknown minutes /
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The Nissa's Binding spell is the only legacy the Empath Guild has of Lanival's companion, Nissa. Though it is thought that this spell was originally meant to be a type of anaesthesia, modern empaths have discovered other uses for it. When cast, this pattern will soothe the life essences around you and plunge them into a slumber. Those with great fortitude may resist this effect. As with most applications of this nature, Nissa's Binding is useless against the undead.
Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, You feel a wave of lethargy wash over you, and fall into a forcible sleep. You feel a wave of lethargy wash over you, and fall into a forcible sleep.
Example Messaging: You hold out your arms, then bring them down evenly.

You contribute your harnessed streams to increase the pattern's potential.
The soothing wave sweeps over the area to encompass everything around you. PLAYER wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Contest Type: mind / fortitude
Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Nissa's Binding can affect creatures as well as players
  • Can be cast when null shocked.
  • Can be CAST CREATURE - like with most AOE or multi-target spells, will hit all creatures in the room. This includes player summoned or owned creatures.

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