Dzirta del Ena Reness

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Dzirta del Ena Reness

Dzirta del Ena Reness or "Pack of the Ghost Moon" was once a prominent pack involved heavily in the city life of Odcoru. Comprised of nobles dedicated to study of the moons and the magics drawn from them.

History (roughly 330 AVL)

On a dark day, the pack Elder passes from this existance. He leaves his mantle to a promising mage by the name of Ahlkar. Word of a threat from the human sorceress Lyras was beginning to filter into Odcoru. Strange magics were being reported and a scout was sent from Ena Reness to observe the magical effects of the magic to determine how best to combat it. Upon the scouts return and subsequent report to Ahlkar, he met with the Elders of the city to discuss methods of defense. The views expressed at this council were varied and each method was agreed upon to be

explored. Ahlkar returns to the packhouse to begin the work he had proposed. Upon his arrival however there is a visitor who wishes a private word, which was granted. The details of the conversation that took place behind closed doors are not known history. What is known is when the visitor left Ahlkar had a very different approach to the defense of his people. They began to experiment with this new magic and believed they had a viable spell to keep their brethren from becoming undead. Ahlkar takes the knowledge to the Elder council, they understand the sorcery for what it was an unnatural perversion of the natural order of magic. Little else in known about what happened next though the end result was the banishment of Ahlkar and his pack from the lands of Odcoru. This occured right before the Great Scourge fell upon the lands in earnest.

Migration (roughly 335 AVL)

Exiled and repulsed by thier brethren's inability to see what was required of them to defend against the threat Dzirta del Ena Reness leaves and settles in a location in the far west of Forfedhdar to hide from persecution and further punishment. Ahlkar dies in this migration and his place is taken by another by the name of Dreoin who's radical vues and methods quickly kill off the vast majority of the pack with a mysterious wasting sickness. (356 AVL) Vharskel succeeds Dreoin as Pack Alpha, his vues on Rakash culture strongly influenced by their inability to manage the threat to thier race. Vhaeskel records the history of the Dzirta del Ena Reness onto a sash leaving his exodus from Forfedhdar and the last page of the Pack. He takes his son Khiol and daughter Azmina to Crossings, there he dies in an event tied to the Thieves Guild.

Interesting Facts

  • Unlike some packs who would pass down family names or pack names amongst all its members, the Dzirta del Ena Reness would instead name their children upon birth. Giving them the first name of their parents choosing and the surname would be chosen by the pack elder reflecting the position of the stars and moons at the time.