First Aid skill

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First Aid is a Survival skill that measures a character's proficiency in tending bleeding wounds. Internal bleeding wounds can not be tended, and the skill has no applications with regard to treating poison or disease, permanently curing wounds, or restoring vitality loss.

For the purposes of this skill, the game assumes that every character has an unlimited supply of bandages which can be used whenever necessary.

Higher ranks in the skill mean that the character is capable of treating progressively more serious bleeding wounds with greater success and less roundtime. At higher levels of skill, characters can stop bleeders of great severity without incurring any roundtime at all.

A character that attempts to treat a wound that is vastly beyond his skill will fail to reduce the bleeding at all, and will likely cause a substantial roundtime for both himself and the intended patient.

Wounds where the tending has not completely stopped the bleeding (i.e. they don't show as clotted(tended) or (tended)), will bleed more freely when the bandages are unwrapped or come undone.


Empaths get a bonus to First Aid.