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Status: Alive
Guild: Unknown
Race: Gor'tog
Gender: Male
Location: Fang Cove
Type: shopowner
Associates: Darsam, Yrisa, Lakyan, Osmandikar

Was located with Darsam on the day he was found to be alive. You see Furrier Gorund, a Gor'Tog. Gorund has dark green eyes. He has ebon skin and a burly build. He is middle-aged for a Gor'Tog.

He has severe scarring along the right arm, severe scarring along the left arm.

He is wearing a ripped sailcloth vest, a spotted oilcloth apron, an oilcloth backpack lined with rabbit fur, a fraying rope belt and some torn sailcloth breeches.

Furrier Gorund walks about the shop, arranging his goods and restocking the more popular goods. He does not answer questions about his name, but he tells you his story if you ask about SHIP.
Gorund nods and says, "I was an old hand at sailing, prided myself on being able to weather any squall that befell my vessel. This storm was different, though," Gorund says as he rubs the smooth, raised scars that mar his muscled forearm. Gorund continues, "It was a particularly dull day when we set out. The streets of Crossing were crowded with the usual beggars and other filth. I made an early start to the docks to load the Sunhammer before the day grew hot."

"We worked long and hard before setting out, but there were new deckhands to break in." Gorund flashes a grin as he continues, "Scare 'em good from the start, let them know just what they dug themselves into, then have more fun with 'em later. It's the the only proper way to break 'em in."

Gorund says, "One lad, Wickett, said he'd been out before. Still looked like he had land legs to me, though." Gorund's eyes go distant for a moment. "He always carried a pendant with him, a wooden dolphin." Gorund sighs.

Gorund says, "Before long, the sky was red as blood, and the crew knew it was an ominous sign. We prepared for the worst, and boy, did we get it." He leans back and stares at you with a glimmer of sadness in his dark green eyes.

"It happened so fast. The lightning bolts struck. The Drogor's Kiss sank. Our masts splintered as we were tossed about like a rag doll upon the waves." Gorund mutters. "I recall being tossed in the air, and the next thing I remember is washing up on the shore here with the others. There was a rope wrapped about my hand; the other end was tied about Wickett's chest." Gorund smiles and remains silent for a few moments. Gorund says, "Anyways. I figure I can make some coin using my hands like I did on the ships long ago now that we've been found." Gorund nods slightly to you and turns away with a noticeable slump in his shoulders.