Marachek's Feasterie

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Marachek's Feasterie
Province Ilithi
Justice Unknown
Town Fayrin's Rest
Map Ranik's Map 64
Owner Unknown
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Tavern shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Marachek's Oak, Feasterie]
The walls of this large, round eatery bulge like the sides of a filled barrel. Tables and chairs radiate outwards like spokes on a wheel from a cylindrical buffet in the center of the room, heaped with good food and serviced from within by several plump, beaming Halflings. Aside from a secluded booth to one side all is festive excitement, set to the tune of clattering kitchen utensils echoing up from below. You also see a menu, a waitress, and a blue door.

                ^^ Marachek's Feasterie! ^^
                         Eat 'Til You Groan
       1 - Spiced Berry Cider....................... D19
       2 - Hot Cocoa................................ D17
       3 - Grape Souvaine........................... D37
       4 - Boobrie Pickle Juice..................... D21
       5 - Heated Wheat Beer........................ D30
     Main Meals:
       6 - Pickled Boar's Foot...................... D22
       7 - Leg of Leviathan......................... D39
       8 - Acorn Salad.............................. D20
       9 - Mammoth Ribs............................. D36
      10 - Ground Yak Stew.......................... D21
      11 - Braised Roc Eggs......................... D25
      12 - Troll Casserole...........................D32
      13 - Roast Oxen de Marachek................... D38
      14 - Haunch of Bear........................... D29
      15 - Essence of Chocolate..................... D25
      16 - Seventeen Layer Cake..................... D35
      17 - Strawberry Cream MegaPie................. D25