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Talk:Marachek's Feasterie

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In addition to the purchased items at the Feasterie, in the front hall ([Marachek's Oak, Main Hall]), for free on the bar you can get:
On the silverwillow bar you see a flask of Katamba Black Whiskey, a tall glass pitcher of fresh spring water, a pitcher of blue Island Tease decorated with paper umbrellas, a magnum of sparkling champagne, a frosty crystal pitcher filled with kiwi-strawberry lemonade, a steaming carafe of rich hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, a tankard of Gor'Tog bloodgrog, a cask of Calibanor strawberry wine, a crystal punch bowl filled with spiked lemon iced tea, an iron-banded cask of Rakash Golden ale, a flaming rum haze served in a coconut shell, a barrel of Chadatru's Justice, a barrel of iceberry mead, an silver urn of strong black coffee, a pitcher of Aesry Island Tease decorated with paper umbrellas, a bowl of hard pretzels and a barrel of frothy root beer.
If one of the moderators wants to make up a page named how you want it, I can pop back up and documents the drinks and food. --Kythryn 04:21, 27 December 2014 (CST)

Added. If you wouldn't mind, would you check to make sure they ones with valid links are actually what you get? We've had issues with same named drinks having wildly different tastes. -CARAAMON (talk) 18:05, 27 December 2014 (CST)