Abotenik's Pawnshop

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Incomplete Article
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Abotenik's Pawnshop
Province Therengia
Justice Unknown
Town Langenfirth
Map Ranik's Map 40
Owner Bynari
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Pawn shops
This store only accepts Lirums

[Abotenik's Pawnshop, Frontroom]
An amazing assortment of goods is strewn about the shop. Items covered with dust as old as the glaciers, are tucked in every nook and cranny and nearly-new items from Riverhaven and Crossing shops fill one wall. Used and outdated fishing and trapping gear are stacked in piles everywhere. Bynari Abotenik, the eldest son, is spreading the piles to air out the more pungent odors. He works his way back to the stone counter glancing at you occasionally to see if you have your wares ready. You also see Bynari.
Obvious exits: out.