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Item:Small gold Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of curious catstruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small gold Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of playful puppiestruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small gold Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of unicornstruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small ruby-capped Wayerd pyramidtruevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Item:Small silver Wayerd pyramid engraved with every official Guild cresttruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small silver Wayerd pyramid inlaid with vardite squarestruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Dwarvestruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Elotheanstruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Elvestruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Gnomestruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Gor'Togstruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Humanstruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Kaldartruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Olvitruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Prydaentruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of Rakashtruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Small tin Wayerd pyramid engraved with a pair of S'Kra Murtruenot very effective5somewhat unsound6exceptional10
Item:Stained glass Wayerd pyramidtrue
Item:Stained glass wayerd pyramidtrue
Item:Stained-glass Wayerd pyramid portraying images of Flaming Arrow wolfsbanetruetrue
Item:Stout glass halfling accented with cambrinth featurestrue
Item:Stout red glass appletrue
Item:Sunshine-yellow Wayerd pyramid embellished with fluffy cloudstrue
Item:Tall green glass pear speckled with metallic browntrue
Item:Teak and glass house with cambrinth-framed windowsrather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Item:Tethered Wayerd pyramid with alternating gold and silver panels
Item:Textured yellow pineapple with a spiky green-leaf toptruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Triangular glass slice of blueberry pietrue
Item:Twilight purple Wayerd pyramid swirled with mauve and indigotrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid (1)falsevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Item:Wayerd pyramid (2)true
Item:Wayerd pyramid covered in stylized waves carved out of whale bonetruevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Item:Wayerd pyramid enclosed in a wire cage with a cambrinth doorknobtruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted plain whitetrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Elanthiatruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Forfedhdartruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Ilithitruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Qi'Reshaliatruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Therengiatruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a map of Zolurentruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with a shadowy cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Barbarians' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Bards' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Clerics' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Empaths' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Estate Holder cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Moon Mage Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Paladins' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Rangers' Guild cresttrue
Item:Wayerd pyramid painted with the Traders' Guild cresttrue