Category:Fortune's Path

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from A Brief History of the Guild of Moon Magic by Kssarh T'kinnirii, Apprentice to Guildmaster Tiv

The followers of Fortune's Path came from all across Elanthia and seemed as surprised to meet each other as they were to meet other sects. They were the soothsayers, the fortunetellers and sometimes the tricksters of roving gypsy tribes, as comfortable with a high- stakes dice game as with a cantrip or wand. Even their preferred form of divination, Tokka cards, originated as a gambling game.

Not surprisingly, the arrival of these mages coincided with a num- ber of extremely strange events; one happened right after their temporary spokeswoman stepped outside for some air, and was suddnly besieged by literally hundreds of freelance messengers, all of whom insisted that they had been looking for her for decades.

A colorful gypsy leans forward and speaks to you about this sect. "Gamblers, yes! We've been called that, and it's true. The most prominent of all Fortune's Path members are the wandering Gypsies, so it's only natural that we've gained this reputation."

"Life is too short not to enjoy it, and enjoy it we do. As Moon Mages, we tap into the Webs of Fate and dance with destiny. Some of us just know how to use this to our advantage in a card game or feast, and that can't be all wrong! Trust Fate to deliver to us not what we want, but what we need, and all is right with the world."

"Naturally, our magics reflect our strong interests in gaming, feasting and seizing life by the lapels!" The colorful gypsy adds, "You have but to JOIN us, and be part of this heritage."

More information on this sect can be found in:


  • Tokka Card


  • Fateweaver at Circle 39, as well as post-title Of the Gypsies.
  • Unbound at Circle 70


  • Fate's Kiss (kiss): Throws a set of six-sided dice randomly colored after a moon that is currently up.
  • Fortune (fortune): Gives a small 5 minute bonus to 1 of 12 skills.
  • Lyodin Albir (reimage): Changes what people see when they Locate you or backtrace your Locate.

  • Veiled Identity (face):

A flickering of deep ebony light flares across *****’s face.
Your vision shimmers as an illusion covers your face with deep ebony light.
XXX has a pair of eyes that flash with delicate twinklings of blue and silver, a shifting mass of sparkling golden hair, and deep ebony skin.
Veiled Identity when viewed via a general LOOK:
You see Fateweaver <name> who has outlandish hair and eyes.

Spell Preparation

  • A lost Gypsy makes a careless gesture as he begins an almost musical chant.

Spell Affinities

Members of Fortune's Path are responsible for inventing following spells:

Divination Tools

  • Tokka cards


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Fortune's Path"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.