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Incomplete Article
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Brother Fargis
Status: Alive
Guild: Cleric
Race: Halfling
Gender: Unknown
Location: Crossing Temple
Associates: Chesum, Eaadrich


You see Brother Fargis Bigguns, a funny little middle-aged Halfling. His bright blue eyes constantly seem to be squinting, due in large part to his perpetual smile. His jovial laughter fills the temple grounds with warmth and happiness, only adding to the beautiful atmosphere. Standing about three feet tall, he wears an ale-brown robe tied around the waist, with a fresh white carnation pinned near his shoulder.

Conversation Topic

  • CARNATION: Fargis takes a moment to smell his carnation. "Ahh, 'tis a beauty isn't it? I picked it myself from the garden!"
  • CHESUM: "Aye Chesum, he is my closest friend and is the temple's history scholar, can't get his nose out of his books. We have been through so much together over the years." Fargis smiles warmly, adjusting his carnation. "He is quite the worry-wart though. I have been trying to lighten him up over the years, but I haven't had much luck." He chuckles softly.
  • EAADRICH: Fargis eyes widen and he smiles brightly. "Yes, I know Eaadrich quite well, he is my mentor and is a good friend. That funny old coot is probably the most intelligent man I have ever met! He knows everything about herbs and flowers, and someday he will give me complete control of the gardens!" Fargis rubs his hands together greedily.
  • GARDEN: Fargis steps towards you and gently whispers. "I have been studying under the master tutelage of the gardener Eaadrich, you should really go have a look at it yourself." He points off in the distance. "You'll find it in the northwest corner of the grounds."
  • GORBESH: Fargis stops fluffing his white carnation and looks up at you. "Well I believe in forgiveness and all, but they have not shown much compassion thus far." He stops speaking for a moment to collect his thoughts. "But... I am sure there are some Gorbesh out there that are not so destructive. I mean, the Kaldar are related to them and I have met many of them who are very kind. Anyway, who are we to condemn an entire race because of one groups actions?"
  • SINGING: Fargis puffs out his chest and grins. "Oh, You have heard of my singing! Well, I can't say I am surprised, I am quite well known for my beautiful voice." Fargis begins to sing... The first note out of his mouth is horribly off-key, the melody is loud and obnoxious, and causes you to cringe at the sound. Someone call a Bard, this Halfling needs some lessons!
  • TEMPLE: Fargis's eyes brighten as he claps his hands together with a snap. "Didn't it turn out beautifully! My good friend Chesum assures me that no one will be able to destroy this temple ever again. Oh... and the acoustics are so wonderful for singing." Fargis winks at you.
  • WAR: Fargis sighs softly, staring blankly into the distance. "War is a horrible thing my child. There is just too much fighting in this world."