Sable (1)

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Note: there are two that go by the name Sable. One was Lanival's sister, another was a merchant.

Sable (Lanival's sister)

Sister of Lanival and daughter of Sorril and Kanton. Was appointed by Akroeg as Protector or Huntress of all clans.

Sable (the Merchant)

Source unknown: "Sable was a merchant at the Shoshandu festival who claimed to be Lanival's sister. She sold masks in the guises of dragons, angels, demons, reavers, kittens, ghosts, skeletons, and perhaps a few other things. Charged with seven to ten charges, these masks would warp a person's features -- everything from face to wings -- into the creature the mask resembled. The effects would last from one to two hours, or until the mask was removed. There are still some of these around, and merchant articifers (GMNPCS) can recharge them."