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Moon Mage vision list 2015

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This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2015.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 12/20/2015
Your sight is suddenly snatched away by an intense vision, but you first hear a scream of feral anger rather than see it. The image of the Faldesu river appears, quiet at first but then beginning to churn and boil. Skeletal figures rise from it, dancing at the hands of an unseen puppet.
Possible Subjects: Necromancer, Puppeteer Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 12/20/2015
A strange, oily sensation creeps across your flesh and you feel as if you are falling. The world around you grows dim and distant, and you become aware of the disjointed elements of a scene that is both here and not.

A corpse lays before a furious Prydaen man, its form shifting so rapidly that it's impossible for you to make out any details save for a heavy, hooded cloak. As if ash, pieces of the body's flesh flake away until all that is left is a sooty cloud. Carried upon a fierce wind, the ashen mass first swirls over water teeming with fish, then continues to pass by a crystalline sculpture before settling to reform in the shadow of a great mountain.

A flock of birds bursts forth in flight to obscure your vision, and just as you begin to note the variety of colorful plumage, you see each of the creatures crushed by an invisible force! You duck your head to avoid their twisted bodies as they fall, and when you look back up, find yourself reoriented to your surroundings, the jumbled images all but a fragile memory.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 12/20/2015
Reality seems to shudder and strain under an enormous weight as your vision goes white. Against the pale backdrop you see the silhouette of an Elf, walking along a path of black tar sprinkled with ivory. The Elf stops and performs an elaborate gesture, causing the path around him to change. Tendrils of blue energy, half-cloud and half-lightning, first snake along then envelope the path in both directions. In a final display the now bright path folds in upon itself, the line becoming a circle.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: ?

Date and Time: 06/19/2015
Your vision darkens briefly as the silhouette of a great crystal tower rises before you. The three moons slowly orbit around its apex where a faint light begins to pulsate at the heart of the top story. With each steady pulse, the illumination grows more intense until the entire structure is overwhelmed by an explosion of light that forces you to turn away. Before you can fully recover your senses, the world snaps back to reality.
Possible Subjects: Moon Mage, Mortom, Shard, Nimbus Repeat: False

Date and Time: 02/27/2015
Your vision darkens and blurs, resolving once again into an urban scene. A woman, cloaked in tan and crimson robes, approaches a well-to-do man from behind. The robed woman surges forward and locks the man in a neck hold! The steel of her jagged knife glints with unnatural light as she holds it above the man's struggling chest. Just before the knife violently falls, the woman whispers into the man's ear, "Your hands... so strong, so flexible. Perfect. I must have them."
Possible Subjects: Necromancer Repeat: False

Date and Time: 02/01/2015
A faint smell of smoke tugs at your senses. As you focus on it, a murky haze settles upon your vision. A strong voice that commands attention calls into the miasma, "Set the smiths to work at once. Arm and armor us, and instruct all to seek their favors for battle. We will not wait for them to come to our doorstep." Blinking through the increasingly thick haze, your vision suddenly returns to normal, and the smell of smoke is gone.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/01/2015
You pause and turn at the sound of stone rolling across stone. A murky haze settles, accompanied by a weak smell of smoke. Great mounds of crumbled stone and metalwork loom before you, and a fire blazes high into the sky from some other place apart from the rocky debris. Uniformed figures, each bearing a plain steel-hilted broadsword at their side, march steadily towards you. As quickly as it came, the vision is gone, but the sound of marching feet echoes quietly in the memory.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/31/2015
A murky haze descends over your vision. It grows thicker, and a noxious stench of smoke overwhelms you. The clash of steel on steel rings out all around, and cries of battle from man and beast alike echo ominously in the chaos. A distinctly unpleasant voice whispers behind you, "You will not stand in our way." Your vision flashes with searing pain as something sharp pierces your back! With a gasp, the vision vanishes and your surroundings return.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True