Droughtman's Challenge 433/End loot

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< Droughtman's Challenge 433
Revision as of 23:37, 19 March 2021 by LADYMOFFITT (talk | contribs)
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Note: this store accepts the Droughtman's indicia currency.

Note: You can READ surfaces to learn details about items when applicable.

Room 1

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Emblazoned along the eastern wall of the soaring arcade, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echos softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north.

On the weapon display
Item Price Done
"All the weapons on the display are enchanted with flares except for the hobbyhorse!"
On the tomiek spider
Item Price Done
"The jewelry pieces on the spider turn into exoskeletal WEAPONS and are all fully unlocked and self-repairing. The ear stud is a heavy edged battle axe, the spider ring is a short staff nightstick, the eyebrow ring is a two-handed blunt maul, and the ebony anklet is a heavy blunt morning star."
On the steel trunk
Item Price Done
"The seven bolt repeating arbalest takes eight seconds to load with a bolt in the hand and nine seconds when the bolt is in a container on you."
On the steel hook
Item Price Done
"This magical harness is special indeed. It is said to summon stacks of throwing blades to toss at your enemies. It is said to never run out of charges, although you must wait 1 anlas between uses."
On the violet peg
Item Price Done
On the yellow peg
Item Price Done
On the black peg
Item Price Done
On the red peg
Item Price Done
On the white peg
Item Price Done
On the grey peg
Item Price Done
On the blue peg
Item Price Done
On the weapon counter
Item Price Done
"The greatsword is imbued with a fire flare enchantment and the akabo is imbued with a frost flare enchantment. The pelletbow takes five seconds to load with a stone in hand and six seconds when the stone is in a container on you. The shortbow takes three seconds to load with an arrow."
On the small pillow
Item Price Done
"Spikes. For throwing. Honest, that's all."
On the damite shelf
Item Price Done
"The light plate sallet and all chain armor are imbued with a fire flare enchantment, while the rest of the plate armor on the damite shelf are imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On the vardite shelf
Item Price Done
"The light plate gauntlets and all chain armor are imbued with a fire flare enchantment, while the rest of the plate armor on the vardite shelf are imbued with a frost flare armor enchantment."
On the haralun shelf
Item Price Done
"The light plate armor on the haralun shelf is imbued with a fire flare armor enchantment."
On the tomiek web
Item Price Done
"The rings on the web turn into exoskeletal SHIELDS and are all fully unlocked and self-repairing. The orbweaver ring is a small shield, the black widow ring is a medium shield, and the tarantula ring is a large shield."
On the marble altar
Item Price Done
"The war hammer on the altar has an electric weapon flare and can temporarily change a person's appearance to something more godly when waved at with the hammer."
On the weapon showcase
Item Price Done
"The weapons on the showcase are flared with a razor weapon flare."

Room 2

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Continuing from the southern end of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echos softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

triple-headed icon forged from palladium
On the simple altar
Item Price Done
"Holy warriors who revere Chadatru will find their holy weapons' power can be replenished with this icon."
coruscant crystal-bone octahedron edged in gold
On the ceramic platter
Item Price Done
"The octahedron is a Targeted Magic focus that also works with mechanical mice."
sungold sunburst partially eclipsed by Yavash
On the sungold salver
Item Price Done
"The magic in this pin can help with ritual spells for practitioners in any school of magic."
silvery grey animite sphere with stormfire topaz inlaytiny iridescent weevil
On the animite plinth
Item Price Done
"The sphere is a Targeted Magic focus and the weevil will wipe all spell knowledge except for spell scrolls."
Elven gold crown displaying a massive green dwalgimbraided armure anklet dangling spherical-shaped vengeance ruby charmscoiled black taipan covered in imbricated agonite scalesiridescent glass orb inlaid with moonsilver holy symbolsfiery sunset opal pendant strung on a gold chain
On the crystal tray
Item Price Done
"The crown is said to help with concentration, the anklet is said to help regenerate mana, the taipan can help with inner fire, the orb can help with spirit, and the pendant helps with vitality!"
white inkpotengraved inkpotmuddy inkpot
On the stained shelf
Item Price Done
black inkpotsilvery-blue inkpotspherical inkpotyellow-banded inkpotghostly-white inkpotveined inkpotswirled inkpotsharp-edged inkpot
On the warped shelf
Item Price Done
icy-blue inkpotbright orange inkpotdusky grey inkpotethereal white inkpot painted with a burning candlebright silver inkpot
On the crooked shelf
Item Price Done
frosted glass inkpotblue inkpotblood-red inkpotominous black inkpotsilvery-black inkpot
On the tan easel
Item Price Done
"Empty inkpots for sale!"
luminous blue gold shariza flanked by crescent moonsilver moons
On the gold display
Item Price Done
"This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions. STUDYing the items on the displays will help explain what they do. (OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.)"
slender Eylhaar statuette of pure white glaessmall glossy Enelne figurine of flawless senci
On the silver display
Item Price Done
"This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions. STUDYing the items on the displays will help explain what they do. (OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.)"
half-eaten crystalline applestylized eighth note sculpted from gleaming uthamarpolished muracite eyelash viper twined around a bricklebranch sticksmall platinum statue of Kertigen dressed in flamboyant colorscloudy glass paperweight riddled with partial fractures
On the wooden stand
Item Price Done
"Magical casting devices useable by all! The glass paperweight contains "Ward Break", the crystalline apple contains "Turmar Illumination", the eighth note contains "Resonance", the eyelash viper contains "Drums of the Snake", and the platinum statue contains "Platinum Hands of Kertigen"."
diamond-hide bound burin fixed with a Zoluren white sapphiresmall uthamar brazier supported by twisted Sunderstone feetimbuement rod fashioned from a lirisan branchdiamondique large mortar carved with delicate flowers
On the onyx worktable
Item Price Done
"The burin, brazier, and imbuement rod are excellent enchanting tools, while the large mortar has twice the normal holding capacity."
agonite sigilated ring with wavy edgesnarrow sigilated ring of pure white glaessilvery sigilated ring of involute windsteeluthamar sigilated ring with glinting anglestursa sigilated ring with shadowy whorlsdark sigilated ring of rippled diacan
On the ring case
Item Price Done
"Sigilated rings can only be attuned and used by Warrior Mages. There is one ring for each element type: agonite for fire, glaes for aether, windsteel for air, uthamar for electricity, tursa for earth, and diacan for water."

Room 3

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Further continuing from the southern end of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition along the eastern wall. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echoes softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

sleeping sungold dragon curled around a huge orb of green and blue starglass
On the sungold saucer
Item Price Done
"The sungold dragon on this tray is a spectacular piece indeed. It has 150 charges and can be generally worn."
large silver starglass trapped in a web of tyriumfragile platinum tiara elegantly crowned with a violet starglass heartfour-strand braided gold tiara studded with fiery crimson starglass shardselegantly curved silver tiara strewn with oceanic blue starglass tearsdelicate tiara of gleaming copper vines entwined with emerald starglass leaves
On the silver salver
Item Price Done
"All the pieces on the salver have 125 charges. The large silver starglass is worn on the upper arm, while the tiaras are worn on the head."
antiqued gold signet ring set with blue starglass
On the gold plate
Item Price Done
"The antique signet ring on this tray has 75 charges."
twisted band of purple gold wrapped around a tiny blue and grey swirled starglass
On the glass tray
Item Price Done
"The starglass band on this tray has 50 charges."
tree-shaped tome with a blue sana'ati sapling painted upon its cover
On the plovik leaf
Item Price Done
"This tome will allow empaths to modify the appearance of their Circle of Sympathy trees into a squat sana'ati sapling with a golden key glowing from its trunk."
heavy leather-bound chronicle embellished with an oversized golden key and arch
On the writing desk
Item Price Done
"The chronicle comes with seventy-five pages to write in."
mirrored cube
On the glass dollhouse
Item Price Done
"The mirrored cube will help you appear like an innocent bystander for five uses. (OOC: It will remove a person's Breaking & Entering cooldown.)"
smoi leather tambourine carrying case fastened with a sungold buckle
On the music stand
Item Price Done
"The generally worn tambourine carrying case will hold any two items and the tambourine is very finely crafted."
small portable almsbox of pure white spiritwood
On the quartz temple
Item Price Done
"The portable almsbox will allow a person to donate their coins wherever they happen to be in the world."
lootsack instructionsstacking pinwheel instructions
On the treasure goblin statue
Item Price Done
"The pinwheel instructions will make stackable light thrown pinwheels and have seven uses in them! The lootsack instructions have five uses in them! (OOC: The container made will have autoloot functionality.)"
vardite skeleton key
On the golden pillar
Item Price Done
"Open sez me!"
magma-red wand capped with a fist-sized steel anvil
On the magma-red pedestal
Item Price Done
"Tired of working on your metal inside? Work on it outside with this!"
braided morah vine fiber ropebraided Imperial weave climbing rope reinforced with steelsilk
On the silversteel holder
Item Price Done
"These ropes will assist in your climbing practice for an unlimited amount of times."
wispy faeweave bandage
On the blood-red platform
Item Price Done
"If you need a bandage, here is a bandage!"
encyclopedic almanac carefully bound with a shadowleaf cover
On the sungold bookshelf
Item Price Done
"This special almanac will allow you to TURN to a specific chapter for learning purposes."
ordinary parcel wrapped with pale grey enaada
On the steel hook
Item Price Done
"The parcel will stack up to fifteen different body parts that are used by certain members of society."

Room 4

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Concourse]
Extending to the northernmost region of the concourse, a massive mural depicts several charioteers locked in fierce and glorious competition. The chatter of contestants browsing the concourse echoes softly off the marble tile underfoot.
Obvious exits: north, south.

cloud-white faesilk sundress embroidered with scattered colorful flowers against a lattice backgroundebon faesilk gown with bouquets of colorful flowers embroidered down the sides for
On a silk-covered mannequin
Item Price Done
sunset orange Celestial roseindigo Daybreak roseviolet Dream rosepure white Innocence rosecarmine Passion rosegolden Sunburst rose
In the gold-swirled vase
Item Price Done
void black Chaos rosemauve Insanity roseheretic black Perdition roseblood red Scorn roselavender Secret rosecrimson Shame rose
In the scarlet-swirled bowl
Item Price Done
lumpy leather arm pouch with distressed seams
On the dented platter
Item Price Done
"A man and woman, both in dark cloaks, delivered these and said we could sell them, cheap. We take no responsibility for whatever might be in them. -- Management."
ugly stick
On the ugly stand
Item Price Done
"You're kidding, right?"
thin mirror edged in thin strips of ivoryskeletal white mirrorspindly mirror etched with obscure symbolsbamboo mirror reflecting a person's buildonyx-framed mirror reflecting a person's heightcopper-framed mirror reflecting a person's heightbeech-handled mirror reflecting a person's face shapesilverbark-handled mirror reflecting a person's face shapesmall tursa mirror painted with a bestial facesmall asini mirror painted with a hatchet-shaped facesmall porcelain mirror painted with an aristocratic facesmall iron mirror painted with a stern face
On the diamondwood vanity
Item Price Done
"Mirrors on the vanity will change your face shape, height, and figure! Please choose carefully!"
gold-wrapped shoebox
On the shoe rack
Item Price Done
"I found an old set of boxes full of boots in a storehouse. I'm told these boxes have the possibility of some never before seen types of wings, colors, and skins."
sapphire mirror featuring locks of calf length hairruby mirror featuring locks of hip length hairrainbow mirror encased within a braided framecrystalline mirror encased within a braided framesmall alder mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by peony pink hairsmall moabi mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by marigold yellow hairsmall osage mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by raven hairsmall cocobolo mirror featuring a blank face surrounded by dark chocolate hairfelwood-handled mirror painted with a dirty-haired blank faceavodire-handled mirror painted with a glossy-haired blank faceramin-handled mirror painted with a frizzy-haired blank faceilomba-handled mirror painted with a silky-haired blank face
On the glass counter
Item Price Done
"Mirrors on the counter will change your hair length, hair color, and hair texture! Please choose carefully!"
verdant moonsilver compact luminously swirled with lirisan leaf chasingfragile gais diadem crowned by a glittering sapphire starburst
On the filigree display
Item Price Done
"The feature compact allows a person to store their features and the gais diadem allows a person to understand all languages."
oval black mirror painted with merciless eyestriangular blue mirror painted with cold eyesround grey mirror painted with tormented eyesquatrefoil violet mirror painted with dreamy eyespale mirror painted with faded eyesdark mirror painted with wicked eyesglittery mirror painted with starry eyes
On the eye sculpture
Item Price Done
"The mirrors on the eye sculpture will change your eye character! Please choose carefully!"
dark tursa storm cloud pierced by bolts of Dalterein diamondatramentous glaes inkwellglittering firefly faceted from a pale green svelaetrio of moons cast from colored goldthealstone bee smoker enclosed within a protective wire gridnielloed shadowling with tiny nightfire opal eyesbright silversteel mongoose with eldring eyes
On the vardite pedestal
Item Price Done
"There is strong magic on the items on this pedestal. If someone rubs the item while wearing it, others will see strange and interesting things surrounding you."
fire whirl ruby with a brilliant gold spiraling inclusionfine Sunderstone with golden ripples clutching bands of rust and blue-greypale iceblink peridot permeated by reflective crystal veinstidal bloodstone displaying blue-tinged sanguine flecksluminous dreamstone swirled with veins of twilight huespolished cosmic zircon encompassing a vivid globular inclusion
On the gemstone showcase
Item Price Done
"The gemstones on the showcase are loose gemstones that are pretty and can be used in various socketed gemstone jewelry. Fair warning, when used in socketed jewelry, only the brief appearance will be shown. These gems cannot be recovered from a tied gem pouch, so please be careful to PUT these in a safe place and not STOW them into a tied pouch."
ivory oval mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hairframeless square mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hairrhomboid haon mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hairgold tetrahedal mirror reflecting the quirks of a person's hair
On the glitvire dresser
Item Price Done
"Mirrors on the dresser will change your hair quirk! Please choose carefully!"

Room 5

[Droughtman's Maze, Prize Rotunda]
The concourse terminates into an enormous round room encircled by sculpted marble pillars of polished white marble. Covering the domed ceiling of the rotunda, a massive mural depicts a vividly painted labyrinth composed of golden keys.
Obvious exits: south.

Incidental Trade-Ins

on a bow and arrow dispenser
Item Price Done
on an icesteel wand dispenser
Item Price Done
on a hiromin tower shield dispenser
Item Price Done
on a Dream Eater amulet dispenser
Item Price Done
on a radiant shamshir dispenser
Item Price Done

Raffle Dispensers

An IMPORTANT NOTICE pinned to the walls reads:

"The Owirvald Auction Company proudly presents a chance to obtain rare and wonderous treasure! An unlimited number of origami tickets can be purchased from all dispensers, each one improving your odds at a grand prize or growing your memory orb prize! You can read each dispenser for more details.

Raffle Rules

Winner 1 will be the player with the highest individual ticket total from that dispenser. Winner 1's tickets will then be removed from the pool.

Winner 2 will be drawn at random from the entire remaining pool of tickets purchased from that dispenser. You do not need to be present or even logged in at the time of this drawing to be selected as Winner 2. The live drawing will occur at approximately 8:30pm (Prime), 8:45pm (Plat), and 9pm (TF) ET on Sunday, March 28th.

If you do not win a grand prize from an individual dispenser, then all of your tickets purchased from that dispenser will instead count toward a memory orb prize which will gain 25% drain per ticket you purchased. This singular memory orb prize is created based on all tickets purchased across all dispensers from this event, excluding any dispenser you win a grand prize from.

Raffles and Winners

Prize Prime Platinum The Fallen
oddly serrated dawnfire steel shamshir surrounded in a radiant golden aura
silvery-white hiromin tower shield constructed to mimic a regal door
engraved icesteel wand capped with a softly glowing starfire topaz
red-veined marble amulet strung upon a simple chain
elegantly recurved Elothean battle bow of stormtouched smokewood / rimewolf-shaped quiver set with a magnificent Imperial weave and irinai icon

Raffle Dispenser Syntax

  • BUY <PRIZENAME>: Purchases a single raffle ticket to the specified item's drawing.
A nearby clerk snatches back the origami <PrizeName> and says, "Oh, no need to hang on to that. We'll handle all the paperwork. See here?" He holds up a ledger for you to see and points at a line with your name. "We've got you covered."
You decide to purchase the <PrizeName>, and pay the sales clerk 5 indicia.
The clerk hands you your ticket.
You can TURN LEDGER to see additional pages. As a matter of manners for others, you'll automatically turn back to the beginning upon READing the last page with information.
Reads the total raffle ticket purchase history for the specified raffle dispenser.
For raffle prize and memory orb information related below:

To claim your raffle consolation prize memory orb(s):