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Weapon:Massive dawnfire steel greatsword with a flame-cutout along the blade

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massive dawnfire steel greatsword with a flame-cutout along the blade
Look: At first glance the polished metal appears to shift between light and dark shades of grey and blue, but when hit by light it reflects a brilliant yellow hue reminiscent of the morning sun breaking through a foggy sky.
Type: Twohanded Edged
Range: melee
Puncture: somewhat fair (4/28)
Slice: overwhelming (23/28)
Impact: extreme (15/28)
Fire: no (0/28)
Cold: no (0/28)
Electric: no (0/28)
Force of Impact: soundly (8/17)
Balance: dismally (2/17)
Suitedness: incredibly (14/17)
Construction: practically invulnerable (18/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 108 stones
Appraised Cost: 43,750,006 Kronars35,000,004.8 Lirums <br />31,570,004.33 Dokoras <br />43,750.006 LTBpoints <br />43,750.006 Tickets <br />43,750.006 Scrips <br />
  • This item is enchanted through the enchanting crafting system.
Enchantment: terrible (2/10) potency
central (10/10) complexity
abstract (2/11) precision
Minor (1/4) grade
Bonus to magnitude
Flare: Fire damage (yellow)
Dimensions: 18 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Droughtman's Challenge 441/End loot, Droughtman's Challenge 437/End loot, Droughtman's Challenge 433/End loot

You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Fire Weapon Flare enchantment.
The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has terrible potency, demonstrates central complexity, and is abstract. This enchantment is of Minor grade, and was modified to bonus magnitude. The matrix appears to be appreciably thin and the lines are perfectly clear.